Yuanyuan Zhu


FacultyName:Yuanyuan Zhu



Office:729, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Department of Chemistry, TongjiUniversity,1999-2003

Ph.D.,Physical Organic Chemistry, ShanghaiInstitute of Organic Chemistry,ChineseAcademy of Science,2004-2009

Postdoc,College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, PekingUniversity,2009-2011

Postdoc,Materials of Science and Engineering, NanyangTechnical University,2011-2022

VisitingScholar, Department of Chemistry, The University of Chicago,2017-2018


Dr.Zhu now is a professor and doctoral supervisor in the Department ofPolymer Materials and Engineering, School of Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering, Hefei University of Technology. He obtained thebachelor’s degree from Department of Chemistry, Tongji Universityin 2003. Then he obtained the Ph.D degree from Shanghai Institute ofOrganic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science in 2009 under thesupervision by Prof. Zhan-Ting Li. Then he joined Prof. Song Gao’slaboratory at Peking university from 2009 to 2011 and Prof. HuaZhang’s laboratory at Nanyang Technology University from 2011 to2012 as a postdoctoral researcher. He worked as a full professor atHefei University of Technology from 2012 to now. He joined Prof.Wenbin Lin’s laboratory at the University of Chicago from 2017 to2018 as a visiting scholar. He now works on heterogeneous catalysisand functional complexes.


Heterogeneouscatalysis, Functional complexes, flavour chemistry.


PolymerChemistry (undergraduate); Advanced Organic Chemistry (graduate)

SelectedFunded Projects:

  1. TransitionMetal Complexes-Polymer Composite System for Enhancing Efficiency ofCooperative Catalysis, Grant No. 22371063, National Natural ScienceFoundation of China, 2024.01.01-2027.12.31.

  2. Spin-crossoverComplexes Constructed by Pyridine-oxazole Type Ligands: StructureDesign and Function Modulation, Grant No. 21771049, National NaturalScience Foundation of China, 2018.01.01-2021.12.31.

  3. Constructing3d Transition Metal Single-Ion Magnets Based on Axial SymmetryApproach, Grant No. 21371043, National Natural Science Foundation ofChina, 2014.01.01-2017.12.31.

  4. Pyridine-dioxazoleTridentate-metal Supramolecular Polymers: Synthesis and Functions,Grant No. 21302035, Young Scientists Fund of the National NaturalScience Foundation of China, 2014.01.01-2016.12.31.

  5. ConstructingIron(II) Spin-crossover Compounds with Pyridine Bisoxazoline Ligandsand Exploring the Synergistic Effect of Spin Transformation andFluorescence, Grant No. KF1607, Open Funding of Dalian University ofTechnology State Key laboratory of Fine Chemicals, 2016.12-2019.03.

  6. Design,Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Single IonMagnets, Open Funding of Beijing National Laboratory of MolecularScience, 2012.10-2014.09.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

SeniorMember of the Chinese Chemical Society


  1. YanCheng, Yan-Xiang Li, Chun-Hua Liu, Yuan-YuanZhu,*and Wenbin Lin, Diaryl Dihydrophenazine-Based Porous OrganicPolymers Enhance Synergistic Catalysis in Visible-Light-DrivenOrganic Transformations, Angew.Chem., Int. Ed.2023,62,e202310470. (VIP paper)

  2. Shu-MingKang,§Xue Song,§Ting-Ting Zhang, Lei Xu, Yuan-YuanZhu,*and Zong-Quan Wu,* Cobalt(III)–salen decorated stereoregularoptically active helical polyisocyanides enable highly effectivecooperative asymmetric catalysis toward the kinetic resolution ofepoxides, Inorg.Chem. Front.2023,10,3345. (§co-authors)

  3. PengZou, Shu-Ya Zhang, Liangyuan Jia, Zeng-Yang He, Jun-Sheng Shu,Chun-Hua Liu, and Yuan-YuanZhu,*A study on the release behavior of ethyl maltol during pyrolysis ofits metal complexes, Thermochimi.Acta2022,716,179323.

  4. Hai-ChaoLiang, Yao Pan, Hai-Lang Zhu, Yin-Shan Meng, Chun-Hua Liu, Tao Liu*and Yuan-Yuan Zhu,* The substituent effect on the spin-crossoverbehaviour in a series of mononuclear Fe(II) complexes fromthio-pybox ligands, Inorg.Chem. Front.2022,9,2343.

  5. Shu-MingKang, Shan-Shan Han, Yuan-YuanZhu,*and Zong-Quan Wu,* Cobalt(III) Porphyrin-Decorated StereoregularPolyisocyanides Enable Highly Effective Cooperative Catalysis forHydration of Alkynes, ACSCatal.2021,11,13838.

  6. YaoPan, Nan Zhang, Chun-Hua Liu, Shilu Fan, Song Guo,* Zhi-Ming Zhang,and Yuan-YuanZhu,*Boosting Photocatalytic Activities for Organic Transformationsthrough Merging Photocatalyst and Transition-Metal Catalyst inFlexible Polymers. ACSCatal.2020,10,11758. (Highlighted by Synfacts,2021,17(01),0077.)

  7. YaqiWang,§Yu Chen,§Zhiqiang Jiang,§Fang Liu, Fang Liu, YuanyuanZhu,*Yong Liang,* Zongquan Wu,* Halogen effects on phenylethynylpalladium(II) complexes for living polymerization of isocyanides: acombined experimental and computational investigation. Sci.China Chem.,2019,62,491.

  8. Yuan-YuanZhu,§Guangxu Lan,§Yingjie Fan, Samuel S. Veroneau, Yang Song, Daniel Micheroni, andWenbin Lin,* Merging Photoredox and Organometallic Catalysts in aMetal-Organic Framework Significantly Boosts PhotocatalyticActivities, Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.2018,57, 14090. (§co-authors,VIP, Inside Back Cover).

  9. GuangxuLan,§Yuan-YuanZhu,§Samuel S. Veroneau, Ziwan Xu, Daniel Micheroni, and Wenbin Lin,*Electron Injection from Photoexcited Metal−Organic FrameworkLigands to Ru2Secondary Building Units for Visible-Light-Driven HydrogenEvolution, J.Am.Chem.Soc.2018,140,5326. (+co-authors,Inside Cover, highlighted by X-MOL).

  10. Ya-XinXue,§Yuan-YuanZhu,§Long-Mei Gao, Xiao-Yue He, Na Liu, Wu-Yi Zhang, Jun Yin, YunshengDing, Hongping Zhou, Zong-Quan Wu,* Air-Stable(Phenylbuta-1,3-diynyl)palladium(II) Complexes: Highly ActiveInitiators for Living Polymerization of Isocyanides, J.Am.Chem.Soc.2014,136,4706. (§co-author)
