Wen Yang


FacultyName:Wen Yang


Office:527, Shenghua Building



B.S.,Department of Chemical Engineerign,Anhui University

M.S.,School of Chemical Engineering, HefeiUniversity of Technology

Ph.D.,School of Materials and Chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China


WenYang received a Bachelor of Engineering from Anhui University, aMaster of Engineering from Hefei University of Technology and a PhDdegree from University of Science and Technology of China. She joinedin Hefei University of Technology in 2004, and became an AssociateProfessor in 2010.


WenYang's research interest mainly focuses on the synthesis,luminescence mechanism, and application of atypical fluorescentpolymers. The research team designed and synthesized a series ofatypical fluorescent polymers to explore their luminescencemechanism, the impact of external environment on their fluorescenceproperties, and the application for pollutant detection.

Hyperbranchedpolymer; fluorescence; detection


WenYang has taught undergraduate classes in Special & FunctionalPolymers and Professional English for Polymer Materials &Engineering. She has also taught graduate classes in Principle andApplication of Polymer Functionalization

SelectedFunded Projects:

Anintegrated reactor for the enrichment and detection of heavy metalions was constructed based on waste rock wool, 52270123, NationalNatural Science Foundation of China

Constructionand performance of a multi-responsive fluorescent ion network basedon tertiary amines, 2208085ME117, Anhui Natural Science Foundation


QiangyingWang, Guo Sun, Qingdong Tong, Wen Yang*, Wentao Hao*, Fluorine-freesuperhydrophobic coatings from polydimethylsiloxane for sustainablechemical engineering: Preparation methods and applications, ChemicalEngineering Journal, 2021,426, 130829.

QiangyingWang, Guo Sun, Shiming Wei, Wentao Hao*, Wen Yang*, HPAMAM/PMMAcomposite electrospun film for cobalt ion detection in waterenvironments, MaterialsLetters,2021, 299, 130115.

WeiNie, Qingdong Tong, Qianqian Li, Wen Yang,* Wentao Hao*, From Wasteto Functional Materials: A Multifunctional ElectromagneticInterference Shielding Composite from Waste Rock Wool, ACSApplied Electronic Materials,2021, 3, 2187-2194, DOI: 10.1021/acsaelm.1c00169.

WentaoHao, Jian Xu, Ran Li, Xiangzheng Zhao, Longzhen Qiu, Wen Yang*,Developing superhydrophobic rock wool for high-viscosity oil/waterseparation, ChemicalEngineering Journal,2019, 368, 837-846.

WenYang, Ran Li, Caiping Fang, Wentao Hao*, Surface modification ofpolyamide nanofiber membranes by polyurethane to simultaneouslyimprove their mechanical strength and hydrophobicity for breathableand waterproof applications, Progressin Organic Coatings,2019, 131, 67-72.

WenYang, Fangbing Liu, Ran Li, Xiaoji Wang, and Wentao Hao*, MultipleStimuli-Responsive Fluorescent Sensor from Citric Acid and1-(2-Aminoethyl)piperazine, ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces,2018, 10, 9123-9128.
