Xiaohua Hou


FacultyName:Xiaohua Hou



Office:437, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Chemistry, ShanxiUniversity,2005-2009

M.S.,Organometallic Chemistry, ShanxiUniversity,2009-2012

Ph.D.,Chemistry, TokyoMetropolitan University,2012-2015


Duringthe master period, Hou studied under the supervision of Prof. WenhuaSun at the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS),and his research focuses on the preparation of late transition metalcomplex catalysts and their application in olefin polymerization. Aseries of nickel catalysts containing Schiff base ligands weresynthesized and employed as catalyst in the ethylene polymerizationto synthesize highly branched polyethylene waxes. Due to theexcellent performance of the nickel catalysts, the further evaluationwas conducted by industrialized pilot plant for half a year. Duringthe following Ph.D. period, he joined the group of Prof. KotohiroNomura, a renowned professor in the field of polyolefins in Japan,and devoted himself to the research of olefin polymerization. Hedesigned and synthesized a variety of vanadium alkylidenes complexcatalysts with different structures, which showed remarkable highactivity in the ring-opening metathesis polymerization of norbornene.The results of his research have been published in an influentialjournal which was Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS). During his tenure as an assistant professor, he continued hisresearch on the application of vanadium catalyst in the ring-openingmetathesis polymerization of olefins, and found that they are highlyactive and stereoselective for the structure of the polymers. Sincejoining HFUT, he has devoted himself to the development of newpolyolefin materials.


Houfocus on the development of the methods for the preparation offunctionalized polyolefins with high insertion of polar group, theoptimization of synthesis routes for cyclic olefin copolymers (COC)and cyclic olefin polymer (COP); efficient preparation of cyclicpolymers.

Keywords:Catalysis; Olefin Polymerization; Olefin metathesis; Transition metalcatalyst.



SelectedFunded Projects:

1.Synthesis of vanadium alkylidene complexes and the stereospecificring opening metathesis polymerization of cyclic olefins, Grant No.21901057, National Natural Science Foundation of China,2020.01-2022.12.

2.Development of binuclear vanadium complex for functional olefinsynthesis from cyclic olefins, Grant No. 1908085QB62, AnhuiProvincial Natural Science Foundation, 2019.05-2021.05.  

SelectedAwards and Honors:

High-levelTalents in Hefei

AnhuiCertificate of Overseas Talents


1.XiaohuaHou,KotohiroNomura*.(Arylimido)vanadium(V)-alkylidene complexes containing fluorinatedaryloxo, alkoxo ligands for fast living ring-opening metathesispolymerization (ROMP), highly cis-specific ROMP,J.Am. Chem. Soc.,2015,137,4662-4665.

2.XiaohuaHou,KotohiroNomura*.Ring-openingmetathesis polymerization of cyclic olefins by(arylimido)vanadium(V)-alkylidenes: highly active, thermally robustcisspecific polymerization, J.Am. Chem. Soc.,2016,138,11840−11849.

3.Xiaohua Hou*, Xiaojian Chen, Xiang Gao, Lei Xu, Hui Zou, Li Zhou,Zong-quan Wu*. Synthesis of cyclic polyolefin: ring-openingmetathesis polymerization by binuclear vanadium complexes, Chin.J. Chem.2021,39,1181-1187.

4.XiangGao, Jinxin Nie, Xiaojian Chen, Li Zhou, Xiaohua. Hou* and Hui Zou*.Highly 2,3-selective polymerization of phenylallene and itsderivatives by vanadium complexes, Poly.Chem.,2021, 12,4244-4252.

5.JinxinNie, FeifyangRen, ZhenLi,KunTian, H. Zou andX.Hou* , Design and synthesis of binuclear vanadium catalysts forcopolymerization of ethylene and polarmonomers.Poly.Chem.,2022,13,3876-3881.
