Wentao Hao


FacultyName:Wentao Hao


Office:527, Shenghua Building



B.S.,Department of Chemical Engineering, HefeiUniversity of Technology,1991-1995

M.S.,School of Chemical Engineering, HefeiUniversity of Technology,1995-1998

Ph.D.,School of Materials and Chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China,1998-2001


WentaoHao received a Bachelor of Engineering (Polymer Materials andEngineering) from Hefei University of Technology, China in 1995, aMaster of Engineering (Polymer Materials and Engineering) from thesame university in 1998, and a PhD in Polymer Chemistry and Physicsfrom University of Science and Technology of China in 2001. He joinedin Hefei University of Technology in 2004, and became an AssociateProfessor in 2008.


WentaoHao's research interests revolve around functional polymercomposites. They cover fundamental issues related to the interactionbetween different phases, as well as the application of chemicallytailored interfaces in functional textiles, coatings, films, plasticcomposites, and rubber composites. His research group designed andsynthesized a range of electrospun textiles with excellenthydrophobicity. They are exploring their applications in separationprocesses, pollutants removal, and waterproof clothing. His researchgroup is also particularly interested in sustainable polymercomposites, including toughened and flame-retardant polylactic acidcomposites, and the use of recycled waste in polymer composites.These technical interests are united by the challenge ofunderstanding the interfacial interactions between organic polymersand inorganic components.

Hydrophobic;flame-retardant; interfacial interaction; composites; polymer


WentaoHao has taught undergraduate classes in polymer physics, and polymerrheology. He has also taught graduate classes in advanced polymerrheology and environmentally friendly polymers.

SelectedFunded Projects:

Repairmechanism of self-healing conductive materials based on hyperbranchedpolyamide-amine, Grant No. 1808085ME112, Anhui Natural ScienceFoundation, 2018-2021

Nacre-likematerials based on fluorescent hyperbranched polymers, Grant No.1508085ME107, Anhui Natural Science Foundation, 2015-2017

Bi-functionalwater treatment materials with oil-water separation and heavy metalion adsorption capability, Grant No. PA2019ZKSK0136, Open Projects ofChinese Academy of Sciences, 2019-2021

Developmentand application of anti-dropping polylactic acid composites, GrantNo. W2020JSKF0695, China BBCA group, 2020-2022

SelectedAwards and Honors:

Keytechnologies and industrialization of functional BOPET film fromstructure design to multi-field application, the second prize ofAnhui Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award,J-2021-2-145-R2

Developmentand application of green manufacturing technology for compositeflexible packaging functional films, the first prize of AnhuiProvincial Science and Technology Progress Award, 2011-1-R2

Researchand application of key technologies for two-component polyurethanesynthetic leather that is quickly peeled, the first prize of AnhuiProvincial Science and Technology Progress Award, 2011-1-R10


WentaoHao*,Qiannan Zheng, Yangningjie Zhong, Xiangkun Meng, Hualin Wang,Longzhen Qiu, et al., An eco-friendly and facile method to preparewaterborne polyurethane based fire-resistant & waterproofcoatings for wood protection, Progressin Organic Coatings2023, 185, 107892.

WentaoHao*,Qiannan Zheng, Xiang Zhang, Yuqing Li, Longzhen Qiu, Hongbo Lu, etal., Flame retardant and water repellent poly(lactic acid)electrospun fabrics, ThermochimicaActa,2023, 722, 179468.

WenYang*, Qingdong Tong, Yuqing Li, Qianqian Li, Qiannan Zheng, WentaoHao*,Self-healable electromagnetic interference shielding composite filmswith temperature and strain dual responsiveness, Journalof Polymer Science,2023, 61, 996-1004.

QiangyingWang, Guo Sun, Qingdong Tong, Wen Yang*, WentaoHao*,Fluorine-free superhydrophobic coatings from polydimethylsiloxane forsustainable chemical engineering: Preparation methods andapplications, ChemicalEngineering Journal, 2021,426, 130829.

QiangyingWang, Guo Sun, Shiming Wei, WentaoHao*,Wen Yang*, HPAMAM/PMMA composite electrospun film for cobalt iondetection in water environments, MaterialsLetters,2021, 299, 130115.

WeiNie, Qingdong Tong, Qianqian Li, Wen Yang,* WentaoHao*,From Waste to Functional Materials: A Multifunctional ElectromagneticInterference Shielding Composite from Waste Rock Wool, ACSApplied Electronic Materials,2021, 3, 2187-2194, DOI: 10.1021/acsaelm.1c00169.

WentaoHao,Jian Xu, Ran Li, Xiangzheng Zhao, Longzhen Qiu, Wen Yang*, Developingsuperhydrophobic rock wool for high-viscosity oil/water separation,ChemicalEngineering Journal,2019, 368, 837-846.

WenYang, Ran Li, Caiping Fang, WentaoHao*,Surface modification of polyamide nanofiber membranes by polyurethaneto simultaneously improve their mechanical strength andhydrophobicity for breathable and waterproof applications, Progressin Organic Coatings,2019, 131, 67-72.

TaoXi, Yingying Lu, Xinyu Ai, Lin Tang, Lulu Yao, WentaoHao*,Peng Cui*, Ionic liquid copolymerized polyurethane membranes forpervaporation separation of benzene/cyclohexane mixtures, Polymer,2019, 185, 121948.

WenYang, Fangbing Liu, Ran Li, Xiaoji Wang, and Wentao Hao*, MultipleStimuli-Responsive Fluorescent Sensor from Citric Acid and1-(2-Aminoethyl)piperazine, ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces,2018, 10, 9123-9128.
