
FacultyName:Kui WANG



Office:202, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Process Equipment and Control Engineering, SichuanUniversity,2005-2009

M.S.,Chemical Process Machinery, SichuanUniversity,2009-2012

Ph.D.,Chemical Engineering, ClarksonUniversity,2012-2017

Postdoc,Chemical Engineering, CornellUniversity,2018-2021


Dr.Kui Wang obtained his BS and MS degrees from Sichuan University. In2012, he went to Clarkson University and obtained his Ph.D. workingon wood pellet boiler heating system in terms of its performanceevaluation, emission control, dynamic modeling, and systemoptimization. His research was recognized by NYSERDA for providinglong-term field operating data and system optimization strategy. Hestayed at Clarkson University for another year after finishing hisPh.D. in 2017 working as a consultant for the evaluation of theretrofitted wood pellet boiler system located in Tupper Lake WildCenter Museum. In July 2018, he went to Cornell University and workedwith Professor Jefferson Tester on hydrothermal conversion of biomassand wastes for energy, fuels, and materials for more than threeyears. In October 2021, he joined Hefei University of Technology asan Associate Professor in the School of Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering through the “Young Huangshan Scholar” program. Hecontinues to collaborate with Professor Tester at Cornell Universityas a Visiting Associate Professor until 2024.


Dr.Kui Wang’s research focuses on the valorization of biomass andwastes through thermochemical conversion pathways including, but notlimited to hydrothermal processing, pyrolysis, and combustion. Byintegrating multiple technologies to maximize the energy recovery,materials upgrading, and environmental benefits of biomass wastesmanagement.

Heis also enthusiastic to uncover the fundamental guiding principlesbehind the formation mechanisms of carbon-based materials, includinghydrochar, carbon nanospheres, carbon quantum dots, etc. He hopes tofind better alternative substitutes for fossil-based materials suchas plastics and chemical fertilizers by studying these fundamentalmechanisms in detail. He hopes to build a circular bioeconomy for thefuture society with artificial intelligence (such as machinelearning) for better energy system optimization.

Keywords:HydrothermalProcessing of Biomass; Biomaterials; Biofertilizer; CircularBioeconomy; Energy System Optimization


Introductionto Chemical Engineering; Chemical Engineering Instrumentation andAutomation; Advanced Programming for Chemical Engineers

SelectedFunded Projects:

HefeiUniversity of Technology seed fund for the “Young HuangshanScholar” program, 2021-2024

SelectedAwards and Honors:

AnhuiProvincial Talent Program, 2023


  1. KuiWang*;Jefferson W. Tester*; Sustainable management of unavoidable biomasswastes. GreenEnergy and Resources,2023: 100005.

  2. HanifrahmawanSudibyo; KuiWang*;Jefferson William Tester* ; Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Acid Whey:Effect of Feedstock Properties and Process Conditions on Energy andNutrient Recovery, ACSSustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2021, 9: 11403-11415.

  3. TaoSun#;KuiWang#;Benjamin Wyman; Hanifrahmawan Sudibyo; Guanchen Liu; Colin Beal;Schonna Manning; Zackary I. Johnson; Tolunay B. Aydemir; JeffersonW. Tester; Xin Gen Lei *; Supplemental dietary full-fatted anddefatted Desmodesmus sp. exerted similar effects on growthperformance, gut health, and excreta hydrothermal liquefaction ofbroiler chicks, AlgalResearch,2021, 54: 102205.

  4. KuiWang*;Qiulin Ma; McKenzie Burns; Hanifrahmawan Sudibyo; Deborah L. Sills;Jillian L. Goldfarb; Jefferson W. Tester; Impact of feed injectionand batch processing methods in hydrothermal liquefaction, Journalof Supercritical Fluids,2020, 164: 104887

  5. KuiWang;Yuanyuan Zhang; Gasper Sekelj; Philip K. Hopke* ; Economic analysisof a field monitored residential wood pellet boiler heating systemin New York State, RenewableEnergy,2019, 133: 500-511  

  6. KuiWang;Shunsuke Nakao; Devraj Thimmaiah; Philip K. Hopke* ; Emissions fromin-use residential wood pellet boilers and potential emissionssavings using thermal storage, Scienceof the Total Environment,2019, 676: 564-576

  7. KuiWang;Marco A. Satyro; Ross Taylor; Philip K. Hopke* ; Thermal energystorage tank sizing for biomass boiler heating systems using processdynamic simulation, Energyand Buildings,2018, 175: 199-207

  8. KuiWang;Mauro Masiol; Devraj Thimmaiah; Yuanyuan Zhang; Philip K. Hopke*;Performance Evaluation of Two 25 kW Residential Wood Pellet BoilerHeating Systems, Energy& Fuels,2017, 31(11): 12174-12182.

  9. KunchengHuang; Shuquan Yang; Xiaohao Liu; Cui Zhu; Fenglei Qi; KuiWang;Jiaquan Wang; Qingsheng Wang; Tuo Wang; Peiyong Ma. Adsorption ofantibiotics from wastewater by cabbage-based N, P co-dopedmesoporous carbon materials, Journalof Cleaner Production,2023: 136174.

  10. QiulinMa; KuiWang;Hanifrahmawan Sudibyo; Jefferson W. Tester; Guangqun Huang; LujiaHan; Jillian L. Goldfarb; Production of upgraded biocrude fromhydrothermal liquefaction using clays as in situ catalysts, EnergyConversion and Management,2021, 247: 114764.
