XiaoZhao Han


FacultyName:XiaoZhao Han


Office:633, Shenghua Building



B.S.,Inorganic chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology,1981-1985

M.S.,Applied chemistry,Hefei University of Technology, 1990-1994


Since1985, I have been engaged in teaching and researching in the Schoolof Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University ofTechnology. In 2006, I established the New Fertilizer ResearchInstitute. Liquid fertilizer technology has been industrialized.


Iam focusing on the preparation technologies and industrialization ofliquid fertilizers, mineral fertilizers, functional fertilizers, andother new fertilizers.

Keywords:Fertilizer;Chemical Fertilizer.


ChemicalEngineering Thermodynamics》、《Newfunctional fertilizer

SelectedFunded Projects:

  1. Preparationand industrialization of nutrient-conditioning crop specialliquid compound fertilizers. Grant No., 2008GB23600459, Statefunds for the Transformation of Agricultural Scientific andTechnological Achievements, 2008-2011.

  2. Demonstrationpromotion and industrialization development of slow-releasefertilizers of environmental protection and labor saving forcottons. Grant No., 2010KJNZ0264, State funds for thetransformation of agricultural scientific and technologicalachievements, 2010-2013.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

  1. Nutrient-conditioningliquid compound fertilizers for leaves, Third Prize for Science andTechnology Progress in Anhui Province, rank 1st,2007.

  1. Developmentand application of water-soluble liquid fertilizers for crops, ThirdPrize for Science and Technology Progress in Anhui Province, rank1st,2017.

  2. Anhuifertilizer industry association “Outstanding Contribution Award”,2012.


[1]Deng Xiaonan, HanXiaozhao*,Hu Xianguo, Liu Kun. Nutrient release characteristics andmathematical simulation of polylactic acid-coated ureas. Chemicalengineering in universities (Chinese Journal),2020, 34(1): 208-213.

[2]Wang Liangliang, HanXiaozhao*,Xiaofei Tang, Wu Anchang, Fan Ling. Preparation of water-solublecalcium fertilizers containing calcium glycinate.Journal ofAgronomy (Chinese Journal),2015, 5(12): 23-26.

[3]HanXiaozhao*,Chen Jingfeng, Su Lin, Chen Min, Hu Xianguo. Study on nitrogenrelease characteristics and rapid detection method of coatedfertilizers. Transactionsof Agricultural Engineering (Chinese Journal),2007, 23(12):213-217.

[4]HanXiaozhao*,Hu Bo, Lu Yaling, Xiao Zhenghui, Zhang Weixin. Kinetics of ionexchange between potassium feldspar and sodium chloride. Journalof Chemical Engineering (Chinese Journal),2006, 57(9):2201-2206.

[5]HanXiaozhao*,Chen Sensen, Hu Xianguo*. Controlled-release fertilizer encapsulatedby starch/polyvinyl alcohol coating, Desalination,2009, 240, 21-26.
