Weixin Zhang


FacultyName:Weixin Zhang



Office:Room 407, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Inorganic Chemical Engineering, HefeiUniversity of Technology,1986-1990

M.S.,Applied Chemistry, HefeiUniversity of Technology,1990-1993

Ph.D.,Inorganic Chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China,1997-2000


ProfessorWeixin Zhang has been working at School of Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering (Former Department of Chemical Engineering) at HefeiUniversity of Technology since April, 1993. She worked as a teachingassistant in 1993, a lecturer in 1996, and was promoted to a fullprofessor in 2000 and doctoral supervisor in 2004. She was a visitingscholar in the group of Professor Shihe Yang at Hong Kong Universityof Science and Technology during 2001-2002, and in the group ofProfessor Stephen Mann (academician of the Royal Society of the UK)at University of Bristol in UK during 2009-2010. She once served asthe Director of the School’s Professor Committee and Vice Dean ofthe School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

Prof.Zhang directs a productive research group in new energy chemicalengineering with about 40 graduate students and postdoctoralresearchers. She has built a good reputation for developing advancedmaterials for energy storage and conversion area with applications inlithium-ion batteries, resources utilization and environmentalprotection. Prof. Zhang has authored more than 200 journal articlesand 20 issued patents. She has more than 6,000 citations and anh-index of 42. Professor Zhang is a member of Energy StorageEngineering branch of the Chemical Industry and Engineering Societyof China, Particle Preparation and Treatment branch of ChineseSociety of Particuology and the 5th Editorial Committee of ChineseJournal of Power Sources.


Researchfields: New energy chemical engineering; Materials chemicalengineering.

Currentresearch interests: Controllable preparation and key technologies ofelectrode and electrolyte materials for high-performance lithium-ionbatteries and related energy storage and conversion devices; Recoveryand recycling of spent lithium-ion batteries; Self-assembly andperformance regulation of high-performance new materials withfunctional units.

Keywords:Lithium-ion batteries; Electrode materials; Electrolytes; Spentlithium-ion batteries; Electrocatalysis.


Undergraduatecourses: Chemical Reaction Engineering.

Postgraduatecourses: Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering; Progress in EnergyChemical Engineering; Renewable Energy.

SelectedFunded Projects:

ProfessorWeixin Zhang has presided over more than 20 national, provincial, andenterprise funded research projects.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

  1. AnhuiProvincial Postgraduate Eminent Teacher (2022)

  2. SpecialPrize for Anhui Provincial Teaching Achievements (2019, the thirdcontributor).

  3. FirstPrize of the 8th Natural Science Excellent Academic Paper of AnhuiProvince (2016) (Journal of Power Sources (2014, 26, 24-31)).

  4. FirstPrize of the 7th Natural Science Excellent Academic Paper of AnhuiProvince (2013) (Accounts of Chemical Research (2009, 42, 1617-1627)and Advanced Functional Materials (2011, 21, 3516-3523)).

  5. AnhuiProvincial May Day Women's Model” title and “Anhui ProvincialMay Day Labor Medal” (2012).

  6. SpecialGovernment allowance of the State Council and Special ProvincialGovernment Allowance (2010).

  7. The11th Anhui Youth Science and Technology Award (2010).

  8. AnhuiProvincial Science and Technology Second Award (2007, the firstcontributor). The winning project was “Controlled synthesis andproperties of nanostructured transition metal copper or manganesebased oxide compounds”.

  9. ExcellentMaster's and Doctor’s Thesis Supervisor of Anhui Province (2008,2009, 2011, 2022).

  10. The7th Anhui Youth May 4th Medal (2004).

  11. "QiushiGraduate Award" by the Hong Kong Qiushi Science and TechnologyFoundation at University of Science and Technology of China (2000).


  1. LeiZou, Kun Shi, Honglei Liu, Yong Wu, Tao Xu, Qiang Wang, ZhangxianChen, Zeheng Yang, Ru Song, Weixin Zhang*.Polybenzimidazole-reinforced polyethylene oxide-basedpolymer-in-salt electrolytes enabling excellent structural stabilityand superior electrochemical performance for lithium metalbatteries, ChemicalEngineering Journal,2023, 465, 142794.

  2. ChengHuang, Xue Xia, Ziwei Chi, Zeheng Yang*, Haijian Huang, ZhangxianChen, Weijian Tang, Guoqing Wu, Huayong Chen, Weixin Zhang*.Preparation of single-crystal ternary cathode materials viarecycling spent cathodes for high performance lithium-ion batteries,Nanoscale,2022, 14, 9724-9735.

  3. XiaomingFan, Zihan Wang, Ting Cai, Yongsan Yang, Hongchang Wu, Shuai Cao,Zeheng Yang, Weixin Zhang*.Anintegrated highly stable anode enabled by carbon nanotube-reinforcedall-carbon binder for enhanced performance in lithium-ion battery,Carbon,2021, 182, 749-757.

  4. HongLv, Haijian Huang, Cheng Huang, Qiang Gao, Zeheng Yang*, WeixinZhang*. Electric field driven de-lithiation: A strategy towardscomprehensive and efficient recycling of electrode materials fromspent lithium ion batteries, AppliedCatalysis B: Environmental,2021, 283, 119634.

  5. WeijianTang, Zhangxian Chen*, Fan Xiong, Fei Chen, Cheng Huang, Qiang Gao,Tongzhen Wang, Zeheng Yang*, Weixin Zhang*.Aneffective etching-induced coating strategy to shieldLiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2electrode materials by LiAlO2.Journalof Power Sources,2019, 412, 246-254.

  6. GuoMa, Sheng Li, Weixin Zhang*, Zeheng Yang, Shulin Liu, Xiaoming Fan,Fei Chen, Yuan Tian, Weibo Zhang, Shihe Yang*, Mei Li. A general andmild approach to controllable preparation of manganese-based micro-and nanostructured bars for high performance lithium-ion batteries,AngewandteChemie International Edition,2016, 55, 3667-3671.

  7. YingmengZhang, Weixin Zhang*, Zeheng Yang, Heyun Gu, Qin Zhu, Shihe Yang*,Mei Li. Self-sustained cycle of hydrolysis and etching atsolution/solid interfaces: a general strategy to prepare metal oxidemicro-/nanostructured arrays for high-performance electrodes,AngewandteChemie International Edition,2015, 54, 3932-3936.

  8. WeixinZhang, Mei Li, Qiang Wang, Gongde Chen, Mei Kong, Zeheng Yang,Stephen Mann*. Hierarchical self-assembly of microscale cog-likesuperstructures for enhanced performance in lithium-ion batteries,AdvancedFunctional Materials,2011, 21, 3516-3523.

  9. WeixinZhang*, Shihe Yang*. In-situ fabrication of inorganic nanowirearrays grown from and aligned on metal substrates, Accountsof Chemical Research,2009, 42, 1617-1627.

  10. WeixinZhang, Xiaogang Wen, Shihe Yang*, Y. Berta, Zhonglin Wang*. Singlecrystalline scroll-type nanotube arrays of copper hydroxidesynthesized at room temperature, AdvancedMaterials,2003, 15, 822-825.
