Zhangxian Chen





FacultyName:Zhangxian Chen



Office:405, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Chemical Engineering and Technology, NanjingUniversity of Technology,1999-2003

M.S.,Chemical Technology, HefeiUniversity of Technology,2006-2009

Ph.D.,Materials Chemistry, NationalUniversity of Singapore,2010-2013

Postdoc,Materials Chemistry, NationalUniversity of Singapore,2014-2015


InNovember 2015, I joined Hefei University of Technology, where I havededicated my career to developing large-scale preparation of novelenergy conversion and storage materials. I have published more than20 first-author or corresponding-author research papers. My workembodies a commitment to innovation and sustainable technologies,with the ultimate goal of driving positive change in energy storageand smart glass technology.


Innovativecathode materials are high expected to advance lithium-ion batterytechnology. My first aim is to enhance battery energy density andperformance, contributing to a more sustainable and electrifiedfuture. Flexible electrochromic devices can revolutionize lightingand climate control in buildings and vehicles. Creating these devicesis another interest of mine that has the potential to significantlyreduce energy consumption and promote environmental sustainability. Iemploy DFT simulations to gain insights into the atomic-levelproperties and electronic structures of materials. This computationalapproach helps me better comprehend material behavior and guide thedesign of materials for energy storage and electrochromicapplications. These research interests collectively align with theurgent need for carbon reduction and sustainable energy solutions,driving my commitment to addressing these global challenges.

Keywords:Cathode materials; flexible electrochromic devices; densityfunctional theory


  1. ChemicalTechnology (Undergraduate course)

ChemicalTechnology provides students with a comprehensive understanding ofthe practical applications and principles that underpin chemicalprocesses and industries. Through a blend of theory and industrialapplication, students gain insights into chemical engineering,process organization, and the future trend. This course equipsaspiring chemists and engineers with the knowledge and skillsnecessary to contribute to advancements in chemical technology,fostering innovation in various industrial sectors.

  1. Introductionto Crystal Chemistry (Graduate course)

Thisgraduate-level course offers a fundamental exploration of crystalchemistry, delving into the intricacies of crystal structures,bonding, and their profound impact on material properties. Throughlectures, discussions, and homework, students will develop a deepunderstanding of crystallographic principles and their applicationsin various fields, including materials science, solid-statechemistry, and nanotechnology. This course equips students with theessential knowledge and analytical skills necessary to investigatecrystalline materials, paving the way for innovative research andadvancements in a wide range of scientific disciplines.

SelectedFunded Projects:

  1. Keytechnology research and industrialization of nickel-rich ternarycathode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Grant no.202003a05020046,AnhuiProvincial Key Science and Technology Project, 2020.10-2023.09

  2. Preparationof Li1.2Ti0.6Mn0.2O2high-entropy cathode material and investigation of anionic redoxregulation mechanisms, Grant no. 2208085MB34, Anhui ProvincialNatural Science Foundation, 2022.01-2024.12

  3. Developmentof synchronized modification technology for NCM811 high-nickelternary cathode materials, Grant no. 106-411206,HefeiMunicipal Support Program for Returning Overseas Scholars'Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2020.08-2022.12

  4. Developmentand modification technology of high-capacity ternary cathodematerial of NCA, Grant no. JZ2018YYPY0299, Fundamental ResearchFunds for Central Universities, 2018.01-2021.07

  5. Studyon small-molecule amine dispersion strategies and surfaceinteraction mechanisms of TCO nanoparticles, Grant no. 2017M612063,China PostdoctoralScience Foundation General Project, 2017.05-2020.10

  6. Researchon flexible transparent conductive films based on graphene-analogmaterial of β-GaS, Grant no. 1708085ME111, Anhui Provincial NaturalScience Foundation, 2017.07-2019.06

SelectedAwards and Honors: NA


  1. ChengzhiHu, Jingtao Ma, Afei Li, Cong Li, Can Wang, ZhangxianChen*,et al. Structural Reinforcement through High-Valence Nb Doping toBoost the Cycling Stability of Co-Free and Ni-Rich LiNi0.9Mn0.1O2Cathode Materials, Energy& Fuels,2023, 37(11), 8005-8013.

  2. WeijianTang, Guojun Zhou, Chengzhi Hu, Afei Li, ZhangxianChen*,Zeheng Yang, et al. Regulating the Anion Redox and Suppressing theStructural Distortion of Cation-Disordered Rock-Salt CathodeMaterials to Improve Cycling Durability through ChlorineSubstitution, ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces,2023, 15(14), 17938-17946.

  3. WeijianTang, Afei Li, Guojun Zhou, ZhangxianChen*,Yang, Zeheng, Jianhui Su, et al. Structural Stabilization ofCation-Disordered Rock-Salt Cathode Materials: Coupling between aHigh-Ratio Inactive Ti4+Cation and a Mn2+/Mn4+Two-Electron Redox Pair, ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces,2022, 14(34), 38865-38874.

  4. WeijianTang, ZhangxianChen*,Haijian Huang*, Muhammad Irfan, Cheng Huang, Zeheng Yang, et al.PVP-bridged γ-LiAlO2nanolayer on Li1.2Ni0.182Co0.08Mn0.538O2cathode materials for improving the rate capability and cyclingstability, ChemicalEngineering Science,2021, 229, 116126.

  5. ZhangxianChen,Qiuge Zhang, Weijian Tang, Deli Li, Juxuan Ding, Cheng Huang, et al.Ultrahigh Capacity Retention of a Li2ZrO3-CoatedNi-Rich LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2Cathode Material through Covalent Interfacial Engineering, ACSApplied Energy Materials,2021, 4(12), 13785-13795.

  6. ZhangxianChen,Qiannan Xie, Juxuan Ding, Zeheng Yang*, Weixin Zhang*, HansongCheng.InstantPostsynthesis Aqueous Dispersion of Sb-Doped SnO2Nanocrystals: The Synergy between Small-Molecule Amine and Sb DopantRatio, ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces,2020, 12, 29937-2945.

  7. WeijianTang, ZhangxianChen*,Fan Xiong, Fei Chen, Cheng Huang, Qiang Gao, et al. Aneffective etching-induced coating strategy to shieldLiNi0.80Co0.1Mn0.1O2electrode materials by LiAlO2,JournalPower Sources,2019, 412, 246-254.

  8. MaoqinQiu, ZhangxianChen*,Zeheng Yang*, Wenming Li, Yuan Tian, Weixin Zhang*, et al. ZnMn2O4nanorods: an effective Fenton-like heterogeneous catalyst witht2g3eg1electronic configuration, CatalysisScience & Technology,2018, 8, 2557-2566.
