Xueping Wu


FacultyName:Xueping Wu


Position:Secretary of the Party Committee for Department of ChemicalEngineering and Technology

Office:621, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Applied Chemistry, JilinUniversity,1996-2000

Ph.D.,Chemical Engineering and Technology, Instituteof Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2000-2005

Postdoc,Materials Science and Engineering, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2005-2008


XuepingWu received a Bachelor of Engineering (Applied Chemistry) from JilinUniversity, Jilin Province in 2000, and a PhD in Chemical Engineeringand Technology from Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy ofSciences in 2005.  She was a postdoctoral fellow in the HefeiNational Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale of Universityof Science and Technology of China from 2005-2008. Her initialacademic appointment was at Hefei University of Technology. From 2011to 2012, she served as a visiting scholar in the University atBuffalotheState University of New York. From 2021 to now, she served asSecretary of the Party Committee for Department of ChemicalEngineering and Technology.


Interestsand Direction: Fabrication and application of carbon composites;environmental catalysis

Currentresearch directionElectromagneticabsorption and reflection


ScientificWriting and Literature Search

SelectedFunded Projects:

NationalNatural Science Foundation of China (No. 51872070), 2018-2022

YoungScientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China,2011-2013

SelectedAwards and Honors:

2022Science and Technology Progress of Chemical Industry Society of China

2021AnhuiProvince Science and Technology Progress Award

2019AnhuiProvince Science and Technology Progress Award


  1. HeZhang, Liangcao Yin, Qingfeng Liu, Yazhong Chen, Shi Jin, KesongXiao, et al. Simultaneous promotion of mechanical and electricalproperties of hot-pressing halloysite-based mullite ceramics throughcarbon incorporation,Applied Clay Science, 2023,232:106766.

  2. XianlongZhang, Shuangshuang Lv, Xincheng Zhang, Kesong Xiao, XuepingWu*.Improvement of the activity and SO2tolerance of Sb-modified Mn/PG catalysts for NH3-SCR at a low temperature, Journalof Environmental Sciences,2021, 101,1-15.

  3. XianlongZhang*, Xincheng Zhang, Xiangjin Yang, Yazhong Chen, Xiaorui Hu,XuepingWu*. CeMn/TiO2catalysts prepared by different methods for enhanced low-temperatureNH3-SCRcatalytic performance, ChemicalEngineering Science, 2021,238, 116588.

  4. XuepingWu,Qi Shi, Yuanqiang Xu, Junwei Wang, Xianlong Zhang*. Synthesis andcatalytic performances of manganese oxides-loaded poroushalloysite/carbon composites for the selective catalytic reductionof NO with NH3,AppliedClay Science, 2020,185:105200.

  5. XuepingWu*,Junshuai Zhao, Xu Rao, D. D. L. Chung*. Carbon fiber epoxy-matrixcomposites with hydrothermal carbon-coated halloysite nanotubefiller exhibiting enhanced strength and thermal conductivity.PolymerComposites, 2020:1-17.

  6. XuepingWu*,Qingxin Zhang, Cun Liu, Xianlong Zhang, D. D. L. Chung.Carbon-coated sepiolite clay fibers with acid pre-treatment aslow-cost organic adsorbents,Carbon,2017, 123: 259-272.

  7. XuepingWu*,Cun Liu, Huijie QiXianlongZhang, Jianjian Dai, Qinxin Zhang, et al. Synthesis and adsorptionproperties of halloysite/carbon nanocomposites andhalloysite-derived carbon nanotubes, AppliedClay Science, 2016,119: 284-293.

  8. XianlongZhang, Lliping Cheng, Yinzhao Tang, Yucheng WuXuepingWu*. Activatedcarbon coated palygorskite as adsorbent by activation and itsadsorption for methylene blue. Journalof Environmental Sciences, 2015,33(1): 97-105.

  9. XuepingWu*,Peng Gao, Xianlong ZhangGuanpingJin, Yanqing Xu, Yucheng Wu. Synthesis of clay/carbon adsorbentthrough hydrothermal carbonization of cellulose on palygorskite,AppliedClay Science,2014, 95: 60-66.

  10. XuepingWu*,Wangyong Zhu, Xianlong Zhang, Tianhu Chen, Ray L. Frost. Catalyticdeposition of nanocarbon onto palygorskite and its adsorption ofphenolAppliedClay Science, 2011,52: 400-406.
