Haili Qin


FacultyName:Haili Qin



Office:301, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Chemistry, ZhengzhouUniversity,2005-2009

Ph.D.,Physical Chemistry, Universityof Chinese Academy of Sciences,2009-2014

Visiting,Physics, MunsterUniversity,2012


Dr.Haili Qin is an Associate Professor in the School of Chemistry andChemical Engineering at Hefei University of Technology (HFUT). Hereceived a B.S. degree in Chemistry from Zhengzhou University and aPhD degree in Physical Chemistry from University of Chinese Academyof Sciences. During his PhD time, he received a short-time visitingin Germany at Munster University under the mentoring of Prof. LifengChi. After obtaining the PhD degree, he became an Assistant Professorat HFUT in 2015 and an Associate Professor at HFUT in 2019. Hiscurrent research interests lie in the design and preparation of toughand self-healing hydrogels and their applications.


Researchin the Qin lab involves the combination of functional nanostructuresand polymers to fabricate biomimetic and smart soft materials. Ourresearch goals involve the use of nanomaterials to replace thetraditional precursors including crosslinkers or initiators to modifythe network morphology for the purpose of mechanically tough andself-healable soft materials and the fabrication of flexibleelectronics based on the developed high-quality soft materials. Ourwork ranges from design of small organic molecules, molecularassembly, nanostructure synthesis and assembly, polymerization,mechanics, to device design and fabrication. To realize excellentbiomimetic structures, varieties of assembly approaches have beendeveloped and employed. Our focus is the realization of smartperformances of soft materials by the way of materials innovationinspired from nature.

Keywords:hydrogel; self-healing; biomimetic materials; nanostructure assembly;mechanical performances


InorganicChemistry and Analytic Chemistry

SelectedFunded Projects:

  1. Interface-inducedpolymerization for controlled synthesis of ultrathin and conductivepolymer nanosheets with high orientation and their propertyresearchGrantNo.21503063, Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China, 2016-2018.

  2. Stimuli-responsivepolymer nanosheets through two-dimensional confined space from smallmolecule assemblies, Grant No. 1708085MB30, Natural ScienceFoundation of Anhui Province, 2017-2019

  3. Shear-inducedassembly of polymer brush nanocomposites for preparation ofself-healing, mechanically tough hydrogel films, Grant No.2308085MB46, Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province,2023-2026.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

FirstPrize of Natural Science of Anhui Province (2020)


  1. HailiQin (#),Na Li (#), Hou-Ming Xu, Qiu-Yan Guo, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*,Double confinement hydrogel network enables continuouslyregenerative solar-to-hydrogen conversion, Angew.Chem. Int. Ed.,2022, 61, e202209687.

  2. YangyuWang (#), HailiQin (#),Zheng Li, Jing Dai, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Highlycompressible and environmentally adaptive conductors withhigh-tortuosity interconnected cellular architecture, Nat.Synth.,2022, 1, 975-986.

  3. HailiQin,Yu Yan, Qibin Feng, Huan-huan Liu, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*,Rapid printing and patterning of tough, self-healable, andrecyclable hydrogel thin-films toward flexible sensing devices,Nano.Lett.,2022, 22,8101-8108.

  4. JingDai (#), HailiQin (#),Wen-Xuan Dong, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Autonomousself-healing of highly stretchable supercapacitors at all climates,NanoLett.,2022, 22, 6444-6453.

  5. Pan-PanJiang (#), HailiQin (#),Jing Dai, Shu-Hong Yu, Huai-Ping Cong*, Ultrastretchable andself-healing conductors with double dynamic network foromni-healable capacitive strain sensors, NanoLett.,2022, 22, 1433-1442.

  6. HailiQin (#),Ping Liu (#), Chuan-Rui Chen, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Amulti-responsive healable supercapacitor, Nat.Commun.,2021, 12, 4297.

  7. HailiQin (#),Tan Zhang (#), Na Li, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Anisotropic andself-healing hydrogels with multi-responsive actuating capability,Nat.Commun.,2019, 10, 2202.

  8. Chuan-RuiChen (#), HailiQin (#),Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*,Ahighlystretchable and real-time healable supercapacitor, Adv.Mater.,2019, 1900573.

  9. PinSong(#),HailiQin(#),Huai-LingGao,Huai-PingCong*,Shu-HongYu*,Self-healingand superstretchable conductors from hierarchical nanowireassemblies, Nat.Commun.,2018,9,2786

  10. HailiQin(#),TanZhang(#),He-NanLi,Huai-PingCong*,MarkusAntonietti,Shu-HongYu*,DynamicAu-thiolate interaction induced rapid self-healing nanocompositehydrogelswith remarkable mechanical behaviors, Chem,2017, 3,691-705.
