



Office:Room 408, Shenghua Building



2018-2021,Postdoc in Chemistry, Instituteof Science and Technology Austria

2014-2018,Ph.D. in Nanoscience, Universityof Barcelona

2011-2014,M.S. in Applied Chemistry, AnhuiUniversity

2007-2011,B.S.,in Material Chemistry, ShandongAgricultural University


Prof.Yu Liuis a research group leader at the School of Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering of Hefei University of Technology since October 2021. Hewas recognized as an Anhui Province high-level young talent in 2023.He completed his “ExcellentCum Laude”doctorate in 2018 at the University of Barcelona under the guidanceof Prof. Andreu Cabot. Later, he carried out postdoctoral research inHorizon 2020-Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship at theAustrian Institute of Science and Technology (ISTA) in associationwith Prof. Maria Ibáñez.Overthe past five years, more than 40 peer-reviewed papers have beenpublished in high-level academic journals, such as Science,Chem.Soc. Rev.,Adv.Mater.,Nat.Commun.,J.Am. Chem. Soc.,Angew.Chem.,NanoLett.,ACSNano,etc.Some related works have been received coverage from top academicjournals and technology media outlets such as "MIT TechnologyReview" and "ACSNano",etc.Currently,Dr. Liu is invited to serve as a guest and thematic editor forseveral journals. He is also a member of the Marie Curie AlumniAssociation (MCAA, No. 0148026) and serves as an invited peerreviewer for over 20 distinguished SCI journals, such as Adv.Mater.,Adv.Funct. Mater.,Adv.Energy Mater.,Adv.Sci.,ActaMater.,etc.


  • Nanotechnology,Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Science, Thermoelectricity.

  1. Synthesis,assembly and characterization of semiconductor and nanocomposites:solution phase synthesis, structural and spectroscopiccharacterization.

  2. Developmentof high performance nanostructured thermoelectric materials andunderstanding the parameters and their underlying mechanisms thatenhance theirthermoelectric performance.



  • InorganicChemistry (Required)

  • Chemistryof Nanomaterials (Elective)

  • EnergyChemistry (Elective)


  • Nanoscienceand Technology (Elective)


  • GrantNo.22209034,National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)- Youth ScienceFoundation, 2023.1.2025.12.

  • GrantNo. 2022LCX002, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project ofOverseas Returnees in Anhui Province, 2022.8-2024.8.

  • GrantNo. 754411, the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research andinnovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement,2018.10-2020.9.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

2023.3,Anhui High-level Overseas Young Talents.

  • 2018.10,Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship.

  • 2018.7,“ExcellentCum Laude”Doctoral Degree, University of Barcelona.

  • 2014.5,doctoralScholarship of China Scholarship Council.


  1. Yu.Liu, Maria.Ibáñez,* Tidying Up the Mess: Cadmium Doping Improves theThermoelectric Properties of AgSbTe2through Ordering Effects. Science2021, 371 (6530), 678-679.

  2. YuLiu,Mariano Calcabrini, Yuan Yu, Aziz Genç, Cheng Chang, TommasoCostanzo, etal.,The Importance of Surface Adsorbates in Solution-ProcessedThermoelectric Materials: The Case of SnSe. AdvancedMaterials2021,33 (52), 2106858.

  3. YuLiu,Mingquan Li, Shanhong Wan, Khak Ho Lim, Yu Zhang, Mengyao Li, etal.,Surface Chemistry and Band Engineering in AgSbSe2:Toward High Thermoelectric Performance. ACSNano2023, 17 (12), 11923–11934.

  4. YuLiu, MarianoCalcabrini, Yuan Yu, Seungho Lee, Cheng Chang, Jérémy David, etal.,Defect Engineering in Solution-Processed Polycrystalline SnSe Leadsto High Thermoelectric Performance. ACSNano2022, 16 (1), 78-88.

  5. MengyaoLi, YuLiu*,Yu Zhang, Xu Han, Ting Zhang, Yong Zuo, etal.,Effect of the Annealing Atmosphere on Crystal Phase andThermoelectric Properties of Copper Sulfide. ACSNano 2021,15 (3), 4967-4978.

  6. YuZhang, Congcong Xing, YuLiu*,Maria Chiara Spadaro, Xiang Wang, Mengyao Li, etal.,Doping-Mediated Stabilization of Copper Vacancies to PromoteThermoelectric Properties of Cu2-xS.NanoEnergy2021, 85, 105991.

  7. MengyaoLi, YuLiu*,Yu Zhang, Cheng Chang, Ting Zhang, Dawei Yang,et al.,Room Temperature Aqueous-based Synthesis of Copper-Doped LeadSulfide Nanoparticles for Thermoelectric Application, ChemicalEngineering Journal 2022,433, 133837.

  8. YuZhang, Congcong Xing, YuLiu*,Mengyao Li, Ke Xiao, Pablo Guardia, etal.,Influence of Copper Telluride Nanodomains on the TransportProperties of N-Type Bismuth Telluride. ChemicalEngineering Journal2021, 418, 129374.

  9. YuLiu, YuZhang, Khak Ho Lim, Maria Ibáñez, Silvia Ortega, Mengyao Li, etal.,High Thermoelectric Performance in Crystallographically TexturedN-Type Bi2Te3-xSexProduced from Asymmetric Colloidal Nanocrystals. ACSNano2018, 12 (7), 7174-7184.

  10. YuLiu,Yu Zhang, Silvia Ortega, Maria Ibáñez, Khak Ho Lim, AlbertGrau-Carbonell, etal.,High Crystallographically Textured Nanomaterials Produced from theLiquid Phase Sintering of BixSb2-xTe3Nanocrystal Building Blocks. NanoLetters 2018,18 (4), 2557-2563.
