Yulin Li


FacultyName:Yulin Li



Office:320, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2003-2007

Ph.D.,Chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2007-2012

Postdoc,Chemistry, PurdueUniversity,2012-2015


YulinLi received his Bachelor's degree in 2007 and Ph.D. in 2012 under thesupervision of Prof. Zhaoxiang Deng, both from the University ofScience and Technology of China (USTC).During his Ph.D. study, his research interests focused on thecontrollable self-assembly of nanomaterials (i.e. carbon nanotubes,gold and platinum nanoparticles). He then worked as a postdoc inProf. Chengde Mao’s group at Purdue University with the interest ofstructural DNA nanotechnology from 2012 to 2015. In 2015, he joinedHefei University of Technology (HFUT)as a full-time professor. Yulin Li has authored or coauthored about40 papers on peer-reviewed journals and 4 book chapters in the areasof DNA nanotechnology and self-assembly.


Weare interested in DNA nanotechnology and controllable self-assembly.The core idea of DNA nanotechnology is to treat DNA as an abiologicalmaterial, rather than a genetic matter, to fabricate supramolecularbuilding blocks that self-associate into intricate and delicatestructures by programmable cohesion.

1.DNA self-assembly.Our current interests focus on the high-yield assembly of wireframeDNA polyhedra.

2.DNA-directed nanoparticle assembly.Framework nucleic acid can serve as the platform to organizefunctional nanoparticles (i.e. construction of molecule-likenanoparticle clusters).

3.DNA nanomachines.A range of non-covalent interactions from co-existing molecules,including hydrogen bonding, electrostatic, stacking, intercalativeand hydrophobic effects, could be introduced to control dynamic DNAself-assembly.


Inorganicand Analytical Chemistry; Chemical Biology.

SelectedFunded Projects:

Small-molecule-basedintervention of programmable DNA self-assembly and its applicationsin siRNA deliveryGrantNo. 21971053, National Natural Science Foundation of China,2020-2023;

Fabricationof DNA-functionalized strong-coupling nanomaterial oligomers bynon-bonded interactions regulation and investigation of their surfaceplasmon resonance propertiesGrantNo. 21605033, National Natural Science Foundation of China,2017-2019.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

2012,Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)Director Scholarship (Excellence Award);

2012,Qiu Shi Graduate Student Scholarship.


1.Kaixuan Zhou, Zhichao Mei, Yunxiang Lei, Zhen Guan, Chengde Mao,YulinLi*.“Boosted Productivity in Single-Tile-Based DNA Polyhedra Assemblyby Simple Cation Replacement”, ChemBioChem,2022, 23(16), e202200138.

2.YulinLi,Zhaoxiang Deng*.“Ag Ion Soldering: An Emerging Tool for Sub-nanomeric PlasmonCoupling and Beyond”, Acc.Chem. Res.,2019, 52(12), 3442-3454.

3.Yongfei Li#,Lei Song#,Bang Wang, Jianbo He, YulinLi*,Zhaoxiang Deng*,Chengde Mao*.“Universal pH-Responsive and Metal-Ion-Free Self-Assembly of DNANanostructures”, Angew.Chem. Int. Ed.,2018, 57(23), 6892-6895.

4.YulinLi,Zhiyu Liu, Guimei Yu, Wen Jiang, Chengde Mao*,“Self-Assembly of Molecule-like Nanoparticle Clusters Directed byDNA Nanocages”, J.Am. Chem. Soc.,2015, 137(13), 4320-4323.

5.YulinLi,Cheng Tian, Zhiyu Liu, Wen Jiang, Chengde Mao*,“Structural Transformation: Assembly of An Otherwise InaccessibleDNA Nanocage”, Angew.Chem. Int. Ed.,2015, 54(20), 5990-5993.

6.YulinLi,Xiaogang Han, Zhaoxiang Deng*,“Grafting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Highly HybridizableDNA sequences: Potential Building Blocks for DNA-Programmed MaterialAssembly”, Angew.Chem. Int. Ed.,2007, 46(39), 7481-7484.
