



Office:407, Shenghua Building



B.S.,Department of Chemistry, ShandongUniversity,1999-2003

Ph.D.,Key Laboratory of Molecular Nanostructure and Nanotechnology,Instituteof Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences,2003-2008

Postdoc,Institute for Integrative Nanosciences, LeibnizInstitute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW Dresden),Germany, 2008-2010

Postdoc,Department of Mechanical Engineering, theUniversity of Texas at Austin,U.S.,2012-2013


XianghuaKong is currently an associate professor at the School of Chemistryand Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology. From 2003to 2008, she studied under the supervision of Professor Chen Wang atthe Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, focused onmodification, characterization and manipulation of surface interfacestructures with Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM). After got her Ph.D.in 2008, she worked successively as a postdoctoral researcher at theLeibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research in Germanyand at the University of Texas at Austin in the United States, whereshe worked under the supervision of Professor Ruoff, a leadingscientist in the field of carbon materials and graphene. Since joinedthe Hefei University of Technology in 2013, she has been engaged inpreparation of carbon-based nanostructures and application of newmaterials in energy storage, as well as electrocatalysisat interface.In2019, Kong's team and the coauthors successfully prepared highperformance lithium-sulfurbatteries with high-sulfur content by using cobalt in nitrogen-dopedgraphene as single-atom catalyst. This work was published inJ.Am. Chem. Soc. (2019,141, 3977-3985) and has been hotly cited.


Kongresearch group focuses on rational synthesis and assembly oflow-dimensional carbon-based materials with unique structures andtunable properties, and the fundamental understanding of thestructure-property-function relationship of the new materials appliedin batteries, as well as the properties of electrolyte and theprinciples of electrocatalysis at interface.

KeyWords: carbon-basedmaterials; batteries; electrolyte; electrocatalysis



ElectrochemicalPrinciples and Analytical Techniques

BasicChemistry Experiments


    1. Z.Z.Du; X.J.Chen; W. Hu; C.H. Chuang; S. Xie; AJ. Hu; W.S. Yan; X.K.Kong*;X.J. Wu; H.X. Ji; L.-J. Wan; Cobalt in Nitrogen-DopedGrapheneas Single-Atom Catalyst for High-Sulfur Content Lithium-SulfurBatteries, Journalof theAmericanChemical Society,2019,141(9): 3977-3985.

    2. M.H.Liu; E. Zhou; C.N.Wang; Y.D. Ye; X.Y. Tong; Y.S. Xie; S.Y. Zhou;R.Huang; X.K.Kong*;H.C. Jin; H.X. Ji; The Vital Role of Electrolyte ReductionPotentialin Forming a Stable SEI in Phosphorus-Based Anodes, Small,2023,2208282.

    3. J.J.Xu; R. Tang; M.H. Liu; S. Xie; D.W. Zhang; X.K.Kong*;S. Jin;H.X.Ji; T.R. Zhang; Enhancing the Catalytic Activity of Layered DoubleHydroxideSupportedon Graphene for Lithium–Sulfur Redox Reactions, Batteries,2022,8(11): 200.

    4. A.Q.Xiang; S. Xie; F. Pan; H. C.Jin; Y.H.Zhai; Y.W. Zhu;X.K. Kong*;H.X.Ji; Cobalt and nitrogen atoms co-doped porous carbon for advancedelectrical doublelayercapacitors,ChineseChemical Letters,2021,32(2): 830-833.

    5. T.Z.Zhang; T. Wang; Y.L. Guo; Y.H. Zhai; A.Q. Xiang; X.W. Ge; X.K.Kong*;H.X. Xu; H.X. Ji; Highly pressure-sensitive graphene spongefabricated by gamma-ray irradiation reduction, ScienceChina-Materials,2018,61(12): 1596-1604.

    6. Z.Z.Du; C.K. Guo; L.J. Wang; A.J. Hu; S. Jin; T.M. Zhang; H.C. Jin;Z.K. Qi; S. Xin; X.K.Kong*;Y.G. Guo; H.X. Ji; L.J. Wan; Atom-Thick Interlayer Made ofCVD-Grown Graphene, Film on Separator for Advanced Lithium-SulfurBatteries,ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces,2017,9(50): 43696-43703.

    7. J.F.Chen; Y.L. Han; X.K.Kong;X.Z. Deng; H.J. Park; Y.L. Guo; S. Jin; Z.K. Qi; Z. Lee; Z.H. Qiao;R.S. Ruoff; H.X. Ji; The Origin of Improved Electrical Double-LayerCapacitance by Inclusion of Topological Defects and Dopants inGraphene for Supercapacitors, AngewandteChemie International Edition,2016,55(44): 13822-13827.

    8. X.K.Kong;H.X. Ji; R.D. Piner; H.F. Li; C.W. Magnuson; C. Tan; A. Ismach; H.Chou; R.S. Ruoff; Non-destructive and rapid evaluation oflarge-area chemical vapor deposition graphene by dark field opticalmicroscopy, AppliedPhysics Letters,2013,103(2): 43119.

    9. X.K.Kong;C. Deneke; H. Schmidt; D. J. Thurmer; H.X. Ji; M. Bauer; O.G.Schmidt; Surface acoustic wave mediated dielectrophoretic alignmentof rolled-up microtubes in microfluidic systems,Applied Physics Letters,2010,9(3): 134105.

    10. X.K.Kong;K.Deng;Y.L.Yang;Q.D.Zeng;C.Wang;Effect of thermal annealing on hydrogen bond configurations of hostlattice revealed in VOPc/TCDB host-guest architectures, Journalof Physical Chemistry C,2007,111(26): 9235-9239.
