Liangyuan Jia


FacultyName:Liangyuan Jia


Position:Vice Director of Chemistry Department

Office:312, Shenghua Building



B.S.,bioengineering, ShandongUniversity of Science and Technology,2003-2007

Ph.D.,Application of synchrotron radiation, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2008-2013

Postdoc,Chemical Engineering, CNRS,University of Lorraine,2014-2017


LiangyuanJia began his research career as a master student under the directionof Professor Fei Qi at University of Science and Technology andreceived a PhD in 2013.  Then he served as Postdoctoral Fellow withProfessor Anthony Dufour in Centre national de la recherchescientifique (CNRS), France in 2014. Jia joined the Hefei Universityof Technology in 2017 as an Associate Professor in the School ofChemistry and Chemical Engineering. His research focused on the massspectrometric analysis of reaction process of biomass (catalytic)pyrolysis, including the detection and characterization of reactiveintermediates, the product distribution as a function of time,pyrolysis temperature and catalyst deactivation etc. The aim of theseworks is to understand the (catalytic) pyrolysis mechanism and toregulate some reaction processes. Recently, he also started to workon biomass-derived materials, for example the preparation ofbio-composites and bio-adhesive. So far, he has published more than20 papers on Angew.Chem. Int. Ed., ACS Catal., Green Chem., Appl. Catal. B-Environ.,Chem. Eng. J., Fuel, Fuel Process. Technol. the first or corresponding author.


  1. Catalyticpyrolysis of biomass for value-added chemicals

  2. Thepreparation and application of biomass-derived materials

  3. Massspectrometric analysis on the reaction process of biomass pyrolysis

Keywords:biomass pyrolysis; mass spectrometry; catalytic pyrolysis;biomass-derived materials


Inorganicand Analytical Chemistry

Chemistryof Catalyst Preparation

SelectedFunded Projects:

GrantNo. 51806055, Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China, 2019.01-2021.12;

GrantNo. PA2023GDSK0070, The Fundamental Research Funds for the CentralUniversity, 2023.01-2024.12;

GrantNo. JZ2022HGTB0260, The Fundamental Research Funds for the CentralUniversity, 2022.01-2023.12;

GrantNo. FSKLCCA2211, Foundation of State Key Laboratory of CoalCombustion, 2022.01-2023.12;

GrantNo. HZ2021-KF04, Opening Fund of State Key Laboratory of FireScience, 2021.01-2022.12;

SelectedAwards and Honors:

Executivemember of the CPyro council;

Theexpert of Engineering Thermochemistry Committee


  1. P.Liu, W. Shao, Z. Yang, J. Yang, L.Jia*,Y. Pan, Z. Zhou*,Y. Chen, F. Qi, In Situ Mass Spectrometric Analysis onZeolite-Catalyzed Pyrolysis of Furanic Compounds: The Role ofReactive Intermediates, ACSCatalysis, (2023)12227-12237.

  2. Y.Qian, Z. Wang, L. Chen, P. Liu, L.Jia*,B. Dong, H. Li, S. Xu*,A study on the decomposition pathways of HTPB and HTPE pyrolysis bymass spectrometric analysis, Journalof Analytical Applied Pyrolysis,170 (2023) 105929.

  3. P.Liu, J. Huang, K. Yang, H. Zhuang, L. Chen, Y. Pan, J. Yang*,L. Jia*,Exploring the reaction chemistry of biomass upgrading over HZSM-5catalyst through model compounds, Fuel,312 (2022) 122874.

  4. P.Liu, H. Zhuang, Y. Qian, J. Yang, Y. Pan, Z. Zhou*,L. Jia*,F. Qi, Recent advances in mass spectrometric studies on the reactionprocess of biomass pyrolysis, FuelProcessing Technology,237 (2022) 107473.

  5. C.Liu, X. Chen, X. Liu, C. Cui, Z. Zhou*,L. Jia*,F. Qi, Evidence of a Phenolic Pool as a Key Intermediate forZeolite-Catalyzed Lignin Pyrolysis, AngewandteChemie International Edition,60 (2021) 2643-2647.

  6. L.Jia, C. Cao, Z.Cheng, J.*,Wang, J. Huang, J. Yang, Y. Pan, M. Xu, Y. Wang, Ex Situ CatalyticPyrolysis of Algal Biomass in a Double Microfixed-Bed Reactor:Catalyst Deactivation and Its Coking Behavior, Energy& Fuels, 34(2020) 1918-1928.

  7. L.Jia, M. Raad, S.Hamieh, J. Toufaily, T. Hamieh, M.M. Bettahar, G. Mauviel, M.Tarrighi, L. Pinard*,A. Dufour*,Catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass: superior selectivity ofhierarchical zeolites to aromatics, GreenChemistry, 19(2017) 5442-5459.

  8. L.Jia, A. Farouha, L.Pinard*,S. Hedan, J.D. Comparot, A. Dufour*,K. Ben Tayeb, H. Vezin, C. Batiot-Dupeyrat, New routes for completeregeneration of coked zeolite, AppliedCatalysis B-Environmental,219 (2017) 82-91.

  9. L.Jia, A. Dufour, Y. LeBrech, O. Authier, G. Mauviel*,On-line analysis of primary tars from biomass pyrolysis by singlephotoionization mass spectrometry: Experiments and detailedmodelling, ChemicalEngineering Journal,313 (2017) 270-282.

  10. L.Jia, Y. Le Brech, G.Mauviel, F. Qi, M. Bente-von Frowein, S. Ehlert, R. Zimmermann, A.Dufour*,Online Analysis of Biomass Pyrolysis Tar by Photoionization MassSpectrometry, Energy& Fuels, 30(2016) 1555-1563.
