Ling Qin


FacultyName:Ling Qin


Office:312, Chemical engineering building


B.S.,Chemistry, AnhuiNormal University,2005-2009

Ph.D.,Chemistry, NanjingUniversity,2009-2014

Postdoc,Environmental engineering, NanjingUniversity,2016-2018


LingQin receivedherPhDin InorganicChemistry in2014from the NanjingUniversityunder the supervision of Professor He-Gen Zheng.Thenshejoined the faculty at the Schoolof Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Hefei University of Technology.From 2016 to 2018, she was a postdoctoral researcher in theDepartment of Environmental Engineering of Nanjing University, whereshe studied the design and synthesis of novel MOFs and theirenvironmental detection under the co-direction of professors Hu Yangand Hegen Zheng. She was promoted to associate professor in 2017. Herinterests focusonthe design and synthesisofmetal-organicframeworkswithmultifunctional properties,includingchirality, sensing,gas storage, separation,andcatalysis.


QinLing's research focuses on the study of functional MOFs, and hascarried out a lot of work in the field of design and controlledsynthesis of functional MOFs. Through careful screening and design ofmetal ions and organic ligands, and considering their coordinationhabits and coordination geometry, a series of coordination polymerswith special structures and properties have been constructed. She hasa deep knowledge and understanding of intermolecular interactions,supramolecular self-assembly, and the formation characteristics ofmicroporous coordination polymers, and has accumulated a deepfoundation in light, electricity, magnetism and gas adsorption. Thecurrent research direction mainly focuses on: 1) Electrocatalyticproperties of MOFs composite and derived materials, includinghydrogen evolution, urea oxidation and electrocatalytic nitrogenfixation; 2) Fluorescence detection of metal ions, bioactivemolecules and mycotoxins in agricultural products by fluorescentMOFs; 3) Degradation performance of MOFs on dye molecules.

Metal-OrganicFrameworks; Composite and derived material; Electrocatalyticperformance; Fluorescence response.


Organicchemistry, Fine organic synthesis.

SelectedFunded Projects:

Self-assembly,response and sensing properties of light-responsive coordinationpolymers based on olefin bonds, Grant No. 21601045, Young ScientistsFund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China,2017.01-2019.12

Studyon fluorescence identification and key techniques of mycotoxin ingrain and feed, Grant No. 2022i01020024, AnhuiProvincial Key Research and Development Plan,2.22.01-2024.12.

Synthesisand modification of zirconium based coordination polymer and itsadsorption of metal ions, Grant No. 2016M601768, China PostdoctoralScience Foundation, 2016-2018.

SelectedAwards and Honors:


[1]Hu Qing, Zheng Qi-Ming, Liu Jin-Liang, QinLing*,Zhu Huan-Jun, Yang Xi, etal.Implanted cobalt ions in two zinc-based frameworks, Improvedelectrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction. ChemicalEngineering Journal,2022,427, 130925.

[2]LingQin*,Xiao-Yan Zhou, Ying-Xin Zhao, Jin-Liang Liu, Xiang-Yu Chen.Optimization of functional blocks of organic ligands regulated theelectrocatalytic hydrogen evolution of Co(II) or Ni(II)‐basedorganic frameworks / nickel foam composites. ACSApplied Energy Materials,2023, 6, 10682-10693.

[3]LingQin*,Jin-Liang Liu, Ying-Xin Zhao, Xiao-Yan Zhou, He-Gen Zheng*, andMingdao Zhang. Investigation on the electrocatalytic hydrogenevolution performance of coordination polymer-derived materials,Roles of organic ligands. ACSApplied Energy Materials,2023,6, 8158-8168.

[4]QinLing*,Zheng Qi-Ming, Liu Jin-Liang, Zhang Ming-Dao, Zhang Meng-Xian, ZhengHe-Gen*. A novel and efficient method of MOF-derived electrocatalystfor HER performance through doping organic ligands. MaterialsChemistry Frontiers,2021,5, 7833-7842.

[5]Hu Qing, Liu Jin-Liang, Zheng Qi-Ming, Chang Jiao-Fan, Wu Ling-Zhi,Zhang Ming-Dao*, QinLing*.The ligand effect resulted in different fluorescence responses of twosimilar zinc-based MOFs to high-valence metal ions and amino acids.Microporousand Mesoporous Materials,2021,321, 111130.

[6]QinLing*,Hu Qing, Zou Ying-Pei, Fu Wen-Ping, Ye Tong-Qi, Zhang Ming-Dao. TwoCo(II)/Ni(II) isostructural metal-organic frameworks with bnntopology for photocatalysis and electrocatalysis. Microporousand Mesoporous Materials,2021,312, 110813.  

[7]QinLing,Liu Jin-Liang, Zhou Xiao-Yan, Wang Yan-Qing, Sun Xun, Zhang Ming-Dao.Improved the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution performances ofCo-MOF derivatives through introducing zinc ions by two ways. Energy& Fuels,2022,36, 5843-5851.

[8]Liu Jin-Liang, Zhou Xiao-Yan, An Jin-Long, Wang Yan-Qing, ZhangMing-Dao, QinLing*.One bifunctional electrocatalyst derived from nickel MOF for ureaoxidation reaction and hydrogen evolution reaction. Energy& Fuels,2022,36, 10346-10353.

[9]QinLing*,Zheng Qi-Ming, Liu Jin-Liang, Zhou Xiao-Yan, Wang Yan-Qing, ZhangMing-Dao. Structural regulation of Co-based coordination polymers byadjusting solvent polarity toward electrocatalytic hydrogen evolutionperformance. NewJournal of Chemistry,2022,46, 7355-7365.  

[10]QinLing,Chen Hong-Zhe, Lei Jiang, Wang Yan-Qing, Ye Tong-Qi, Zheng He-Gen*.Photodegradation of some organic dyes over two metal-organicframeworks with especially high efficiency for safranine T. CrystalGrowth & Design,2017, 17, 1293-1298.  
