Gang Ni


FacultyName:Gang Ni



Office:416, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Building



B.S.,Applied Chemistry, ChinaUniversity of Geoscience (Wuhan),2004-2008

Ph.D.,Petrology and Mineralogy, ChinaUniversity of Geoscience (Wuhan),2009-2014


GangNi began his research career as a candidate for the graduate degreein Chemistry in 2009 at China University of Technology with ProfessorChenggang Zhou. There, he worked on the development of electrolytesfor lithium-ion batteries. He went on to pursue the Ph. D. degree inPetrology and Mineralogy at the China University of Technology underthe supervision of Professor Hansong Cheng. During this period, hecarried out a dissertation on the application of Prussian blueanalogues cathode materials in aqueous rechargeable batteries. Hethen joined the Hefei University of Technology in the summer of 2014as an Assistant Professor in the School of Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering. His research focuses on the development of electrolyteand cathode materials for aqueous Zn-ion batteries.


Researchin the Ni lab focuses on electrochemical energy storage systems,especially aqueous rechargeable batteries. Our research involves theuse of synthetic, analytical, and computational tools to enhance ourunderstanding of the interfacial chemistry in the aqueous batteries.The research goals are developing ecofriendly and cost-effectiveaqueous electrolytes which possess excellent compatibility with bothcathode materials and metal zinc anode, and exploring the cathodematerials with high specific capacity and moderate operating voltagethat can meet the requirements for large-scale electric energystorage applications.

  1. ElectrochemicalEnergy Storage

  2. Zn-basedbatteries;

  3. InterfacialEngineering;

  4. SolvationStructure Regulation;


GangNi has taught the following courses:

  1. PhysicalChemistry

  2. GeneralChemistry

GangNi currently teaches the following courses:

  1. ElectrochemistryPrinciples;

  2. ElectrochemicalMethods;

  3. SpecifiedExperiments for chemical engineering.

SelectedFunded Projects:列出主要科研基金情况,不超过10

  1. Controllablesurface modification of zinc hexacyanoferrate and its stabilizingmechanism during aqueous electrochemical processes, Grant No.21603050, Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China, 2017.01-2019.12

SelectedAwards and Honors:



  1. GangNi*,Mengmeng Sun, Zhao Hao, Guoyin Zou, Fuhu Cao*, Ling Qin, et al.Binary solvents assisting the long-term stability of aqueous K/Znhybrid batteries. MaterialsToday Energy,2023, 31, 101204

  2. GangNi*,Guoyin Zou, Mengmeng Sun, Fei Xu, Zhiqiu Pan, Fuhu Cao*, et al.Constructing Nonaqueous Rechargeable Zinc-Ion Batteries with ZincTrifluoroacetate. ACSApplied Energy Materials,2022, 5 (10), 12437-12447

  3. GangNi*,Zhao Hao, Guoyin Zou, Xiuwen Xu, Bowen Hu, Fuhu Cao*, et al.Potassium manganese hexacyanoferrate with improved lifespan inZn(CF3SO3)2electrolyte for aqueous zinc-ion batteries. SustainableEnergy & Fuels,2022, 6 (5), 1353-1361

  4. GangNi*,Zhao Hao, Guoyin Zou, Fuhu Cao*, Ling Qin, Chenggang Zhou,High-performance aqueous rechargeable K/Zn hybrid batteries based onBerlin green cathode materials. ChemElectroChem,2022, 9 (2), e202101351

  5. GangNi*,Xiuwen Xu, Zhao Hao, Wenwen Wang, Chuanyuan Li, Yuxin Yang, et al.Tuning the Electrochemical Stability of Zinc Hexacyanoferratethrough Manganese Substitution for Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries. ACSApplied Energy Materials,2021, 4 (1), 602-610

  6. GangNi*,Feifan Wang, Zhiqiu Pan, Ruihan Zhang, Bimetallic CuCo Derived fromPrussian Blue Analogue for Nonenzymatic Glucose Sensing.Electroanalysis,2021, 33 (4), 845-853

  7. GangNi*,Jun Cheng, Xin Dai, Zehao Guo, Xiang Ling, Tao Yu, et al.Integrating Ultrathin Polypyrrole Framework on Nickel-Cobalt LayeredDouble Hydroxide as an Amperometric Sensor for Non-enzymatic GlucoseDetermination. Electroanalysis,2018, 30 (10), 2366-2373

  8. GangNi,Bo Han, Qiyang Li, Zhuan Ji, Bo Huang, Chenggang Zhou*. Instabilityof Zinc Hexacyanoferrate Electrode in an Aqueous Environment:Redox-Induced Phase Transition, Compound Dissolution, andInhibition. ChemElectroChem,2016, 3 (5), 798-804

  9. GangNi,Bo Han*, Hansong Cheng*, Effect of Al Electronic Configuration onthe SiO2Thin Film Growth via Catalytic Self-Assembling Deposition, JournalPhysical Chemistry C,2013, 117 (44) 22705-22713
