Fuling Guo


FacultyName:Fuling Guo


Office:102, Huagong Building




Ph.D.in Applied Chemistry, EastChina University of Science and Technology,Sept. 2008- Nov. 2013

B.S.in Applied Chemistry, EastChina University of Science and Technology,Sept. 2004-Jul. 2008


FulingGuo, his main research direction is the synthesis and performanceresearch of organic optoelectronic materials; Since 2008, he has beenengaged in the synthesis and application of organic optoelectronicmaterials, as well as the industrial application and development oflithium battery technology; After graduation, he entered the ChineseAcademy of Sciences for post-doctoral research, and was awarded anexcellent postdoctoral position in the Chinese Academy of SciencesHefei Institute of Physical Sciences. At present, the main researchdirections are solar cell materials and lithium-ion batterymaterials: (1) Design, synthesis, and application of novel organicconjugated materials in dye sensitized solar cells. (2) Design andsynthesis of organic hole transport materials and their applicationsin perovskite/quantum dots/organic solar cells. (3) The applicationof new materials in high energy density and long-life lithium-ionbatteries.


  • Materialsof solar cells

  • Organicfunctionalmaterials for perovskite-based solar cells

  • Materialsand devices of antimony sulfide-selenide solar cells


  • UniversityChemistry

  • Principlesof Catalysis with Application in Energy Conversion

  • ChemicalEngineering of New Energy Materials

SelectedFunded Projects:

  • TheNatural Science Foundation of Anhui Province,The synthesis and preparation of self-assembled hole transportmaterials for perovskite solar cells, 908067833024, 2020/07-2022/06.

  • TheFundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,The synthesis of self-assembled hole transport materials and theirapplication in perovskite solar cells, No. JZ2019HGBZ0164,2019/05-2021/04; Preparation and photocatalytic properties ofultralight graphene/TiO2compositematerials, No.PA2019GDPK0059,2019/06-2020/12.

  • TheOpen Foundation of Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory,Synthesisof quinolone-based hole transport materials and its application inperovskite solar cells,No. PA2019ZKSK0134, 2019/09-2021/09.


[1]Chao Ying, FulingGuo*,Zhongyi Wu, Kai Lv, Chengwu Shi*, Influence of Surface ModifierMolecular Structures on the Photovoltaic Performance ofSb2S3-SensitizedTiO2Nanorod Array Solar Cells, Energy Technology, 2020, 1901368.

[2]Fuling Guo *; Wangchao Chen, Zhichao Yang,Chengwu Shi, Zhuohang Zhou; Investigation on Capacity Decay ofLi-Rich LNMCO Cathode Material for Lithium-ion Batteries, 2019,116216.

[3]Fu-Ling Guo, Zhao-QianLi, Xue-Peng Liu, Li Zhou, Fan-Tai Kong,* Wang-Chao Chen, Song-YuanDai*, Metal-Free Sensitizers Containing Hydantoin Acceptor as HighPerformance Anchoring Group for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, AdvancedFunctional Materials, 2016, 26, 5733-5740.

[4]Fuling Guo, XuepengLiu, Yong Ding, Fantai Kong,* Wangchao Chen, Li Zhou, Songyuan Dai*,Broadly Spectral-response Organic D-A-π-A Sensitizer withPyridine-diketo- pyrrolopyrrole Unit for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,RSC Advance, 2016, 6, 13433.

[5]Fuling Guo, JinxiangHe, Sanying Qu, Jing Li,* Qiong Zhang, Wenjun Wu, Jianli Hua*,Structure-Property Relationship of Different Electron Donors: NewOrganic Sensitizers Based on Bithiazole Moiety for High EfficiencyDye-Sensitized Solar Cells, RSC Advance, 2013, 3, 15900.

[6]Fuling Guo,Jinxiang He, Jing Li, Wenjun Wu, Yandi Hang, Jianli Hua*,Photovoltaic Performance of Bithiazole-Bridged Dyes-Sensitized SolarCells Employing Semiconducting Quantum Dot CuInS2As Barrier Layer Material, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2013, 408, 59-65.

[7]Weijiang Ying,† FulingGuo,† Jing Li,Qiong Zhang, Wenjun Wu, He Tian, and Jianli Hua*, Series of NewD A-π A Organic Broadly Absorbing Sensitizers ContainingIsoindigo Unit for Highly Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, ACSApplied Materials Interfaces 2012, 4, 4215-4224.

[8]Jinxiang He,FulingGuo,Xin Li, Wenjun Wu,* Jiabao Yang, and Jianli Hua*, NewBithiazole-Based Sensitizers for Efficient and Stable Dye-SensitizedSolar Cells, Chemistry-a European Journal, 2012, 18, 7903-7915.
