



Office:312,Chemistryand ChemicalBuilding




B.S.,ChemicalEngineering and Technology,TianjinUniversity,2005-2009

Ph.D.,InorganicChemistry,ChangchunInstitute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences,2009-2014

Postdoc,Schoolof Materials Science and Engineering,HefeiUniversity of Technology,2015-2018


YanyanChen receivedher B.S. degree in ChemicalEngineering and TechnologyfromTianjinUniversity in 2009and Ph.D degree in InorganicChemistry from the ChangchunInstitute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciencesin 2014. She is currently an associate professor in Hefei Universityof Technology. She has currently presided over and participatedvarious natural science foundation and published more than 30scientific research papers.


YanyanChensprimaryinterests are focused on solar-to-fuelconversion by artificial photosynthesis,includingSemiconductorthin films and devices,optoelectronicfunctional materials and applications,and the designof visible light responsive photocatalytic materialsininorganic-based material systems.


Principles of Chemical Engineering

The Experiment of Chemical Engineering Principle

Innovationfoundation of college students


  1. 20-gramSynthesis of Water-Soluble Mn-Cu-In-S Magnetic-OpticalBifunctionalQuantum Dots,GrantNo.51502070,National Natural Science Foundation of China,2016-2018

  2. TheSynthesis of Water-soluble Mn-Cu-In-S Magnetic-Optical BifunctionalQuantum Dots by Green Environmental Approach,GrantNo.2015M581975,PostdoctoralScience Foundation Funded Projectof China,2015-2018

  3. Constructionof photothermal bifunctional composite based on rare earth dopedupconversion,GrantNo.2208085ME111,NaturalScience Foundation of Anhui Province of China,2022-2024

  4. Constructionof near-infrared fluorescent imaging/photothermal nanocompositesbased on up-conversion undersinglelight source excitation,GrantNo.JZ2021HGTB0121,FundamentalResearch Funds for the Central Universities,2021-2022

  5. Preparationof a new quantum dot display screen,GrantNo.JZ2019YYPY0032,FundamentalResearch Funds for the Central Universities,2019-2020

SelectedAwards and Honors:

  1. 2018 Excellent advisor of undergraduate graduation design (thesis), Hefei University of Technology.

  2. 2020Excellent Head Teacher, Hefei University of Technology.

  3. 2022Outstanding Individual of the year

  4. 2015Outstanding Individual of the year


  1. ShuangWang, Mengjie Yao, Yuye Cheng, Kai Ding, Shenjie Li* and YanyanChen*.Improving Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production through SwitchingCharge Kinetics from Type-I to Z-scheme via DefectiveEngineering, DaltonTranscations,2023, Acceptance.

  2. ShenjieLi,* Hongyu Shao, Kai Ding, MengjieYao, Minghao Dou, YanyanChen*.RegulatingDeep and Shallow Defects of CuInS2Quantum Dots to Enhance Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production,ACSApplied Nano Materials,2023,Acceptance.

  3. YuyeCheng, Minghao Dou, Mengjie Yao, Kai Ding, Shenjie Li* and YanyanChen*,Reverse-Type-I MnCo2S4-CdSHeterojunction Nanorods for Highly Efficient Photocatalytic HydrogenProduction under Visible Light Irradiation, ACSApplied Nano Materials,2023,6,16837-1685.

  4. ZhiqiangLi,†Wanqing Li,† Hongyu Shao, Minghao Dou, YanyanChen* andShenjie Li*, Water-SolubleAg-Sn-S Nanocrystals Partially Coated with ZnS Shells forPhotocatalytic Degradation of Organic Dye. ACSApplied Nano Materials,2023, 6, 4417-4427.

  5. HaoYu, Minghao Dou, Shuang Wang, Yuye Cheng, YanyanChen,*and Shenjie Li*.ZIF-8-SupportedAgInS2Quantum dots for Photocatalytic H2 Production by Precise LocationSulphization.ACSApplied Nano Materials,2023, 6, 228-237.

  6. ShenjieLi,* Xiaoyu Gong, Zhiqiang Li, Minghui Yu, YanyanChen,*Hao Yu, etal, InterfacialNucleation Mechanism of Water-Soluble Ag-In-S Quantum Dots at RoomTemperature and Their Visible Light Catalytic Performance,Langmuir,2022, 38, 4692−4701.

  7. YanyanChen*,Qi Hu, Minghui Yu, Xiaoyu Gong, Shenjie Li*, Shuagn Wang, etal, Insitu construction of a direct Z-scheme CdIn2S4/TiO2heterojunction for improving photocatalytic properties,CrystEngComm,2021, 23, 5070-5077.

  8. YanyanChen,Shenjie Li, Lijian Huang, Daocheng Pan*. Low-Cost and Gram-ScaleSynthesis of Water-Soluble Cu-In-S/ZnS Core/Shell Quantum Dots in anElectric Pressure Cooker.Nanoscale,2014, 6, 1295.

  9. YanyanChen,Shenjie Li, Daocheng Pan*.Single-stepdirect fabrication of luminescent Cu-doped ZnxCd1-xSquantum dot thin films via a molecular precursor solution approachand theirmapplication in luminescent, transparent, and conductivethin films. Nanoscale,2014, 6, 9640.

  10. YanyanChen,Shenjie Li, Lijian Huang, Daocheng Pan*.Greenand Facile Synthesis of Water-Soluble Cu-In-S/ZnS Core/Shell QuantumDots.InorganicChemistry,2013, 52, 7819.
