



Schoolof Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Office:420, Shenghua Building




  • B.S.,Chemical Engineering and Technology, AnhuiUniversity of Science & Technology,1996-2000;

  • M.S.,Chemical Technology, AnhuiUniversity of Science & Technology,2000-2003;

  • Ph.D.,Chemical Technology, EastChina University of Science and Technology,2003-2006;

  • Postdoc.,Chemical Technology, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2014-2016.

  • VisitingProfessor., Chemical Engineering, CurtinUniversity,2011-2012.

  • VisitingProfessor., Chemical Engineering, CardiffUniversity,2023-2023.


Prof.Yao obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering from East ChinaUniversity of Science and Technology, China. He is now a Professor atSchool of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University ofTechnology. His research interests focus on nanomaterial synthesisand application for adsorption and catalysis, and environmentalremediation. New advanced oxidative processes (AOPs) were developedutilizing novel metal nanocrystals, metal-free nanocarbons foractivating versatile superoxides toward adsorption, aqueous oxidationof toxic contaminants and control of air pollution. He has publishedmore than 60 refereed journal papers with H-index of 26. Hewas selected as the National Famous Teacher of Petroleum and ChemicalEducation.He is an Elsevier Highly Cited Researcher in the areas of ChemicalEngineering and Technology from 2020-2021.


ProfessorYao's research focuses on the organic pollution control principle andapplications of various environmental technologies particular variousadvanced oxidation processes (AOPs) of emerging organic pollutants inwater and air. His research interests particularly include: (i)Heterogenous catalytic degradation kinetics and mechanisms ofemerging organic pollutants for example POPs, VOCs and EDCs, etc.) inwater and air; (ii) reaction engineering design and application inindoor air purification and industrial waste gas treatment. (iii)Waste resource utilization technology including biomass waste,mineral waste, etc.

Nanomaterialssynthesis and applications

Reactionengineering and design

Environmentalengineering and wastewater treatment

Wasteresource utilization

Airpollution and control technology


  • Undergraduatecourse: “Principles of Chemical Engineering”, “ChemicalInstrumentation and Automation”, “Course Design of ChemicalEngineering Principles”;

  • Postgraduatecourse: “Chemical Design and Process Optimization”, “AdvancedReaction Engineering”.

SelectedFunded Projects:

  • Studyon surface interface regulation and Fenton-like catalytic reactionmechanism of single atom iron limited nitrogen-doped carbon fiber,National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2019,01-2022,12

  • Studyon the influence of depropylene system in outage on ethylbenzeneplant, Enterprise horizontal project, 2018,05-2019,12

  • Researchand development of key technologies for the treatment of organicpollutants in typical industrial organic wastewater, Enterprisehorizontal project, 2017,07-2018,06

  • MxFe3-xO4@carbonfiber membrane separation and Fenton-like reaction integrationsynergistic purification of persistent toxic pollutants, AnhuiProvincial Natural Science Foundation, 2017,06-2019,05

  • MxFe3-xO4@carbonfiber membrane separation and meso-scale regulatory mechanism ofFenton-like technology, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation,2016.07-2019.07

  • MxFe3-xO4-PVDFcomposite membrane/Oxone-like Fenton coupling catalytic reactionmechanism, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2015.01-2017.12

  • Preparationand catalytic degradation of organic pollutants bygraphene-supported cobalt-based catalysts, Technology Foundation forSelected Overseas Chinese Scholar of Anhui Province, 2013,09-2015,09

  • Studyon controllable preparation of cobalt oxide/graphene compositecatalyst and activation of potassium bisulfate for catalyticdegradation of organic pollutants, The Project Sponsored by theScientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas ChineseScholars, State Education Ministry. 2013,01-2014,12

  • Controllablepreparation of magnetic MFe2O4(M=Mn,Fe, Co)/graphene composite catalyst and its synergistic catalyticdegradation of organic pollutants, Anhui Provincial Natural ScienceFoundation, 2013,01-2015,12

SelectedAwards and Honors:

  • NationalPetroleum and Chemical Education Teacher, 2023.

  • ChinaHighly Cited Scholar of Elsevier, 2021-2023.

  • NationalPetroleum and Chemical Education Young Teachers, 2021.

  • AnhuiProvince Teaching Achievement Special Prize, 2019.

  • Thethird prize of Anhui Science and Technology Award, 2016.

  • The3rd China Petroleum and Chemical Education Science ResearchAchievement Award, 2015.

  • China's100 Most Influential International Academic Papers, 2012.

  • Journalof Colloid and Interface Science” Top Citation of the Year award,2012-2013.

  • ChemicalEngineering Journal” Top Citation of the Year award, 2011-2012.


  1. Yunjin,Yao*,Hongwei, Hu, Hongda, Zheng, Huanhuan, Hu, Yinghao, Tang, Shaobin,Wang*, et al., Nonprecious bimetallic Fe, Mo-embedded N-enrichedporous biochar for efficient oxidation of aqueous organiccontaminants, Journalof Hazardous Materials,2022, 422, 126776.

  2. Yunjin,Yao*,Hongyu Yin, Yangyang Zhang, Fengyu Wei, Hongwei Hu, Shaobin, Wang*,et al., Fe, Cu-coordinated ZIF-derived bimetal encapsulated N dopedcarbon nanotube for efficient remediation of various aqueouspollutants, ChemicalEngineering Journal,2021, 426, 131801.

  3. Yunjin,Yao*,Huanhuan Hu, Hongda Zheng, Hongwei Hu, Yinghao Tang, Shaobin, Wang*,et al., Nonprecious bimetallic (Mo, Fe)-N/C nanostructures loaded onPVDF membrane for toxic CrVIreduction from water, Journalof Hazardous Materials,2020, 389, 121844.

  4. Yunjin,Yao*,Huanhuan Hu, Hongda Zheng, Fengyu Wei, Mengxue Gao, Shaobin, Wang*,et al., Zn-MoS2nanocatalysts anchored in porous membrane for accelerated catalyticconversion of water contaminants, ChemicalEngineering Journal,2020, 398, 125455.

  5. Yunjin,Yao*,Maojing Yu, Hongyu Yin, Yangyang Zhang, Hongda Zheng, Shaobin,Wang*, et al., Nano-Fe0 embedded in N-doped carbon architectures forenhanced oxidation of aqueous contaminants, ChemicalEngineering Journal,2020, 227, 115941.

  6. Yunjin,Yao*,Huanhuan Hu, Hongyu Yin, Maojing Yu, Hongda Zheng, Shaobin, Wang*,et al., Phase change on stainless-steel mesh for promoting sulfateradical formation via peroxymonosulfate oxidation,AppliedCatalysis B: Environmental,2020, 278, 119333.

  7. YunjinYao*,Yi Hu, Huanhuan Hu, Luwang Chen, Maojing Yu, Shaobin, Wang*, et al.,Metal-free catalysts of graphitic carbon nitride-covalent organicframeworks for efficient pollutant destruction in water, Journalof Colloid and Interface Science,2019, 554, 376-387.

  8. YunjinYao*,Hongyu Yin, Mengxue Gao, Yi Hu, Huanhuan Hu, Shaobin, Wang*, et al.,Electronic structure modulation of covalent organic frameworks bysingle-atom Fe doping for enhanced oxidation of aqueouscontaminants, ChemicalEngineering Journal,2019, 209, 115211.

  9. YunjinYao*,Chao Lian, Guodong Wu, Yi Hu, Fengyu Wei, Shaobin Wang*, Synthesisof “sea urchin”-like carbon nanotubes/porous carbonsuperstructures derived from waste biomass for treatment of variouscontaminants, AppliedCatalysis B: Environmental,2017, 219, 563-571.

  10. YunjinYao*,Chao Lian, Yi Hu, Jie Zhang, Mengxue Gao, Shaobin Wang*, Heteroatomsdoped metal iron–polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane forenhancing oxidation of organic contaminants, Journalof Hazardous Materials,2017, 338, 265-275.
