Xiaohao Liu


FacultyName:Xiaohao Liu



Office:707, Gewu Building




B.E.,Chemical Engineering and Technology, TiangongUniversity,2010-2014

M.S.,Applied Chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2014-2017

D.E.,Chemical Engineering, Universityof Chinese Academy of Sciences,2017-2020


Engagedin efficient utilization of agricultural and forestry biomass,including the development and application of biomass-based functionalcarbon materials, the catalytic conversion of biomass to produce highvalue-added chemicals and fuels, and the design of nano-catalysts. Asthe first or corresponding author, more than ten research papers inacademic journals such as ACSCatalysis,GreenChemistry, Separation and Purification Technology, Journal of CleanerProduction, ChemSusChem, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineeringhas been published.


Biomass-basedfunctional carbon materials;

Biomassconversion to chemicals and fuels;


Principleof chemical engineering

SelectedFunded Projects:

  1. Constructionof Hollow-sphere Nanoreactors for the Directional Preparation ofAcetol from Cellulose by Relay Catalysis and Research on ItsCatalytic MechanismGrantNo.22208079,National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2023.01-2025.12

  2. Constructionand catalytic performance of rice husk-based Si/C-anchored M-Snbimetallic catalyst for the preparation of acetol from cellulose,Grant No.2208085QB62,Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province, 2022.01-2023.12

  3. Developmentand demonstration of key technologies and equipment of strawpyrolysis gasification combustion, Grant No. 202103b06020005, AnhuiProvincial Major Science and Technology Project,2021.04.30-2024.04.30

SelectedAwards and Honors:

Thirdprize of Natural Science in Anhui Province


1.Peiyong Ma, Shuwei Yao, Ziqi Wang, Fenglei Qi, Xiaohao Liu*.Preparation of nitrogen-doped hierarchical porous carbon aerogelsfrom agricultural wastes for efficient pollution adsorption.Separation and Purification Technology, 2023391123250.

2.Kuncheng Huang, Shuquan Yang, Xiaohao Liu*, Cui Zhu, Fenglei Qi, KuiWang, et al.  Adsorption of antibiotics from wastewater bycabbage-based N, P co-doped mesoporous carbon materials. Journal ofCleaner Production, 2023, 391, 136174.

3.Xiang Zhou, Xiaohao Liu*, Fenglei Qi, Haixia Shi, Ying Zhang, PeiyongMa*. Efficient preparation of P-doped carbon with ultra-highmesoporous ratio from furfural residue for dye removal. Separationand Purification Technology,2022292,120954.

4.Ruiyi Huang#, Xiaohao Liu #, Fenglei Qi, Liangyuan Jia, Dongzhen Xu,Lu Wang, et al. Efficient preparation of carbon nanospheres-anchoredporous carbon materials and the investigation on pretreatmentmethods. Bioresource Technology, 2022344,126235.

5.Fengfei Lin#, Xiaohao Liu #, Meina Ma, Fenglei Qi., Yang Pan, LuWang, ea al. Real-time monitoring the carbonization and activationprocess of activated carbon prepared from Chinese parasol via zincchloride activation. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2021155,105089.

6.Xiaohao Liu, Xiaodong Liu, Haiyong Wang, Tianci Xiao, Ying Zhang*, Amechanism study on the efficient conversion of cellulose to acetolover Sn–Co catalysts with low Sn content. Green Chemistry, 2020,22(19), 6579-6587.

7.Xiaohao Liu, Xiaodong Liu, Guangyue Xu, Ying Zhang*, Chenguang Wang,Qiang Lu, et al. Highly Efficient Catalytic Conversion of Celluloseto Acetol over NiSn Supported on Nanosilica and the Mechanism Study.Green Chem., 2019, 2120,5647–5656

8.Xiaohao Liu, Chenguang Wang, Ying Zhang*, Yan Qiao, Yang Pan,Longlong Ma*. Selective Preparation of 4‐alkylphenol fromLignin‐derived Phenols and Raw Biomass over magnetic Co‐Fe@N‐doped Carbon Catalysts. ChemSusChem, 2019, 12, 4791–4798

9.Xiaohao Liu, Wenda Jia, Guangyue Xu, Ying Zhang, Yao Fu. Selectivehydrodeoxygenation of lignin-derived phenols to cyclohexanols overCo-based catalysts. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng, 20175(10),8594-8601.

10.Xiaohao Liu#, Lujiang Xu#, Guangyue Xu, Wenda Jia, Yanfu Ma, YingZhang, Selective hydrodeoxygenation of lignin-derived phenols tocyclohexanols or cyclohexanes over magnetic CoNx@ NC catalysts undermild conditions. ACS Catal., 20166(11),7611-7620.
