Genlei Zhang


FacultyName:Genlei Zhang


Office:522, Shenghua Building


B.S.,Applied Chemistry, AnhuiNormal University,2006-2010

M.S.,Chemical Engineering, XiamenUniversity,2010-2013

Ph.D.,Chemical Engineering, TianjinUniversity,2013-2017


GenleiZhang began his scientific career as an undergraduate student atAnhui Normal University. Upon receiving his B.S. in Applied Chemistryfrom Anhui Normal University in 2010 and M.S. in Chemical Engineeringfrom Xiamen University in 2013, he went on to pursue a Ph.D. inChemical Engineering at Tianjin University under the mentorship ofProfessor Yuxin Wang. There, he carried out experimental andtheoretical work on anode electrocatalysts for alcohol fuel cells,and received his Ph.D. in 2017. He joined the School of Chemistry andChemical Engineering at Hefei University of Technology in 2017 as anAssistant Professor, and promoted to Associate Professor in 2021. Hisresearch focuses on three main areas including (1) controllablesynthesis of inorganic multifunctional nanomaterials; (2) developmentand catalytic mechanism of nanocatalysts for fuel cells; (3)development of high value utilization technology of chemical solidwaste. Up to now, he has presided over one National Natural ScienceFoundation of China and two provincial/ministerial funds. As thefirst author or correspondence author, he has published more than 30SCI papers in international well-known academic journals such asApplied Catalysis B-environmental, Small, The Journal of PhysicalChemistry Letters, Nano Research, etc.


Zhang’sresearch is mainly engaged in the design and synthesis of inorganicnanomaterials and their applications in the fields ofelectrocatalysis, energy transfer, and small molecule activations,etc.. It belongs to the interdisciplinary of inorganic, materials,catalysis and energy. Currently, due to the increasingly seriousenergy and environmental crisis, developing high-efficiency,low-emission energy conversion technologies to alleviate the energyand environmental issues is highly desirable. Among them,electrocatalysis is considered to be one of the most promising cleanenergy conversion method. The available electrocatalytic reactionsinclude ORR, MOR, HOR, HER, OER, CO2RR, etc.. The potentialapplications of these electrocatalytic reactions largely depends onthe performance of the electrocatalyst used. How to designhigh-performance noble metal electrocatalysts by tuning the size,composition, morphology, crystal phase, etc., so as to realizeefficient energy conversion, is a highly important research topic inthe fields of science, materials science and catalysis.

  • PreciseSynthesis and characterization of Metal Nanomaterials.

  • Electrocatalyticenergy conversion


GenleiZhang currently teaches the following courses:

  • MechanicalBasis of Chemical Equipment

  • Principlesof Chemical Engineering

  • CourseDesign of principles of Chemical Engineering

SelectedFunded Projects:

  • Controllablesynthesis, formation mechanism and catalytic performance of Iridiumbased catalysts for ethanol electrooxidation, 21908036, NationalNatural Science Foundation of China, 2020.01-2022.12.

  • Surfaceengineering of Ir-Pb bimetallic catalysts and the structure-activityrelationship for the complete electrooxidation of ethanol,2008085QB74, Natural Science Foundation of AnhuiProvincial,2020.07-2022.06.

  • Engineeringlow-Iridium onto defect-surface/interface for boosting completeelectrooxidation of ethanol, 2308085MB61, Natural Science Foundationof Anhui Provincial,2023.09-2026.08.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

  • Nationalscholarships (2012, 2015, 2016)

  • TianjinUniversity Beiyang Talent Award (2015)

  • TianjinUniversity Student Innovation Award (2016)

  • TheSecond Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress of AnHuiProvince (2023)


  • GenleiZhang,Chenyang Hui, Zhenzhen Yang*, Qi Wang, Sheng Cheng, Dawei Zhang, etal. Hydrogen-Induced p-d Orbital Hybridization and Tensile Strain ofPdGa Single-Atom Alloy Metallene Boosts Complete Electrooxidation ofEthanol, AppliedCatalysis B: Environmental,2024, 342, 123377.

  • DiWu, Shan Wu, Chenyang Hui, GenleiZhang*,Chenyang Hui, Dongjie Cao, et al. Boosting Li-O2Battery Performance via Coupling of P-N Site-rich N, P Co-dopedGraphene-like Carbon Nanosheets with Nano-CePO4,Small,2023, 2206455.

  • ZhenzhenYang, Yuhan He, Pengfei Tang, Chenhui, Xu, GenleiZhang*,Jianbo He*, Oxygen-incorporated 3D Flower-like MoS2Microsphere as a Bifunctional Catalyst for Effectively Synthesis of2,5-diformyfuran from Fructose, CatalysisScience & Technology,2023, 13, 2340-2348.

  • ShiyuGuo, Dongjie Cao, Peirong Xiao, GenleiZhang*,Qi Wang*, and Peng Cui*, Activating Pd Nanoparticles on Oxygen-dopedg-C3N4for Visible-light-driven Thermocatalytic Oxidation of BenzylAlcohol”,Inorganic Chemistry,2022, 61, 15654-15663.

  • YanFang#,Shiyu Guo#,Dongjie Cao, GenleiZhang*,Qi Wang, Yazhong Chen, et al. Five-fold Twinned Ir-alloyed PtNanorods for Highly Efficient Ethanol Electrooxidation, NanoResearch,2022, 15, 3933-3939.

  • YanFang, Dongjie Cao, Yan Shi, Shiyu Guo, Qi Wang, GenleiZhang*,etal.HighlyPorous Pt2IrAlloy Nanocrystals as a Superior Catalyst with High-efficiency C-CBond Cleavage for Ethanol Electrooxidation,Journalof Physical Chemistry Letters,2021, 12,6773-6780.

  • GenleiZhang#,Yan Shi#,Yan Fang, Dongjie Cao, Shiyu Guo, Qi Wang, et al. Ordered PdCu-basedCore-shell Concave Nanocubes Enclosed by High-index Facets forEthanol Electrooxidation, ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces,2021,13,33147-33156.

  • GenleiZhang*,Xiangbin Sun, Peng Cui*, and Hao Shen, Self-symmetrical 3DHierarchical α-calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate Twin-flowers Composed ofMicroplates as a Renewable Material for Water Separation fromWater-in-oil Emulsion, InorganicChemistry,2021, 60, 2188-2194.

  • MengmengLi#,Yan Fang#,GenleiZhang*,Peng Cui, Zhenzhen Yang and Jianbo He, Carbon-supported Pt5P2Nanoparticles Used as a High-performance Electrocatalyst for theMethanol Oxidation Reaction, Journalof Materials Chemistry A,2020, 8, 10433-10438.

  • YanShi, Yan Fang, GenleiZhang*,Xianshun Wang, Peng Cui, Qi Wang and Yuxin Wang, Hollow PtCuNanorings with High Performance for the Methanol Oxidation Reactionand their Enhanced Durability by Using Trace Ir, Journalof Materials Chemistry A,2020, 8, 3795-3802.
