Haijian Huang


FacultyName:Haijian Huang



Office:405, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Institute of Applied Chemistry, NorthwesternPolytechnical University,2008-2012

M.S.,Institute of Applied Chemistry, NorthwesternPolytechnical University,2012-2015

Ph.D.,Department of Materials, EidgenössischeTechnische Hochschule Zürich (ETH Zürich),2015-2019


HaijianHuang received a Bachelor of Science in 2012 from NorthwesternPolytechnical University, where he continued to earn his master'sdegree of engineering in 2015 under the supervision of Prof. YingHuang. He then moved to Switzerland and concluded his Ph.D study atETH Zürich with a diploma in 2019 under the supervision of Prof.Markus Niederberger. From July to October in 2019, he worked asResearcher at ETH Zürich. In 2020, he joined Hefei University ofTechnology as Associate Professor. His current research is directedtowards the development of fast-charging energy storage materials anddevices. He is the member of Chinese Chemical Society and theChemical Industry and Engineering Society. He has published more than30 papers in the journals such as Advanced Energy Materials, ACSNano, Energy Storage Materials with a h-index of 21.


HaijianHuang’s research is mainly focused on the development of high-powerNa/Zn-ion batteries and hybrid capacitors through microenvironmentengineering in electrode materials.


Principlesof Chemical Engineering

SelectedFunded Projects:

GrantNo.22108053,National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2021-2024

SelectedAwards and Honors:

Emerginginvestigator”, Nanoscale


1.HaijianHuang*,Juwei Yun, Hao Feng, Tian Tian*, Jiawei Xu, Deli Li, Xue Xia, ZehengYang, Weixin Zhang*, Towards high-performance zinc anode for zinc ionhybrid capacitor: Concurrently tailoring hydrodynamic stability, zincdeposition and solvation structure via electrolyte additive, EnergyStorage Materials,2023, 55, 857-866.

2.HaijianHuang#,Xue Xia#, Juwei Yun, Cheng Huang, Deli Li, Bingbing Chen, ZehengYang, Weixin Zhang*, Interfacial engineering of hydrated vanadate topromote the fast and highly reversible H+/Zn2+co-insertion processes for high-performance aqueous rechargeablebatteries, EnergyStorage Materials,2022, 52, 473-484.

3.HaijianHuang#,Li Wei#, Tian Tian*, Taoding Cao, Feng Cheng, Zhangxian Chen, ZehengYang, Binghui Ge*, Mingliang Tian, Weixin Zhang*, MarkusNiederberger, Beyond conventional sodium-ion storage mechanisms: acombinational intercalation/conversion reaction mechanism in Ni-ionmodified hydrated vanadate for high-rate sodium-ion storage, EnergyStorage Materials,2022, 47, 579-590.

4.HaijianHuang,Dipan Kundu, Runyu Yan, Elena Tervoort, Xi Chen, Long Pan, MartinOschatz, Markus Antonietti, Markus Niederberger*, Fast Na-ionintercalation in zinc vanadate for high-performance Na-ion hybridcapacitor, AdvancedEnergy Materials,2018, 8, 1802800.

5.HaijianHuang,Xing Wang, Elena Tervoort, Guobo Zeng, Tian Liu, Xi Chen, AllaSologubenko, Markus Niederberger*, Nano-sized structurally disorderedmetal oxide composite aerogels as high-power anodes in hybridsupercapacitors, ACSNano,2018, 12, 2753.
