Jin Wang


FacultyName:Jin Wang


Position:Director of the Center for Experimental Teaching

Office:124, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Polymer Materials and Engineering, HefeiUniversity of Technology,1988-1992

M.S.,Applied Chemistry, HefeiUniversity of Technology,1996-1999

Ph.D.,Materials Science, HefeiUniversity of Technology,2004-2009

Postdoc,Food Science and Engineering,HefeiUniversity of Technology,2010-2013


JinWang received her B.S. in Polymer Materials and Engineering fromHefei University of Technology (HFUT) in 1992, and she worked atDongfeng Group as an assistant engineer. In 1999, she received herM.S. in Applied Chemistry from HFUT. After that, she worked at AnhuiUniversity as an assistant professor, and she moved to HFUT as anassociate professor in 2003. She received her Ph.D. in MaterialsScience from HFUT in 2009.


Herresearch focuses on photosensitive materials and polymer matrixcomposites. Including are the following topics: photoformingtechniques related to photosensitive resins, new monomers and formingmethods; interface design and photoelectric properties ofinorganic/organic functional polymer matrix composites. Keywordsincluding photoresist, photoinitiator, polyelectrolyte, composites,etc.


Sheteaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Polymer matrixcomposites.

SelectedFunded Projects:

  1. Researchon key technologies of high performance non-excavation pipelinerepair materials, Grant No. W2022JSKF1006, Enterprise cooperationproject, 2022-2024

  2. Researchand development of green printing and packaging material, Grant No.W2021JSKF0982, Enterprise cooperation project, 2021-2024

  3. Applicationand development of environmentally friendly photoinitiators, GrantNo. W2020JSKF0763, Enterprise cooperation project, 2020-2021

  4. Morphologyregulation and properties of photocured hydrogel polyelectrolytemembrane, Grant No.JZ2019AKZR0215,Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province, 2019-2022

  5. Researchon key technologies of high-performance dual-engine general-purposeaircraft, Grant No. JZ2017AKKZ, Anhui Province Science andTechnology Major Project. 2015-2017

  6. Preparationof conjugated polymer/inorganic nanowires hybrid heterojunction,interface regulation and research of photovoltaic devices, Grant No.2012AKZR0357, Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province,2012-2014

  7. MXD6nylon/clay high barrier food packaging material, Grant No.2012M5212215, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2012-2013

SelectedAwards and Honors:

Shehas received awards, including the 2013 Anhui Province Science andTechnology Progress Award and the 2010 Anhui Province TeachingAchievement Award. She was selected for 2023 Outstanding ContributionAward of Radiation Curing Professional Committee of Chinese Societyfor Imaging Science and Technology (RadTech China).


  1. JinWang*,Jing Jing Bian, Bin Pu, Yuan Lu Wang, Meng De. Deng, Facilefabrication of high performance zwitterionic P(NVP-co-SPE)/polyvinylalcohol hydrogel polyelectrolyte for capacitor [J]. J.Appl. Polym. Sci.2022, e52905.

  2. JinWang*,Yuan Lu Wang, Bing Chen Liu, Tao Fu. Highly photosensitive furanacrylate derivatives and their solid-state photopolymerization [J].NewJ. Chem.,2022, 46, 16781-16788.

  3. JinWang*,Mengde Deng, Yahui Xiao, Wentao Hao, Chengfeng Zhu. Dielectric andtransport properties of cationic polyelectrolyte membraneP(NVP-co-DMDAAC)/PVA for solid-state supercapacitors [J]. NewJ. Chem.,2019, 43, 4815-4822.

  4. JinWang*,Zongchao Wu, Ruihong Xie, Yuanyuan Zhu, Xueting Liu. Ordered 2Dlayered MoS2/conjugatedpolymer nanocomposites: influences of sulfonated β-Cyclodextrin onthe preparation and properties [J]. AdvancedComposites and Hybrid Materials,2019, 2 (2), 330-338.

  5. JinWang*,Hucheng Chen, Yahui Xiao, Xianghu Yu, Xiaoxuan Li. PAMPS/PVA/MMTSemi-Interpenetrating Polymer Network Hydrogel Electrolyte forSolid-State Supercapacitors [J]. Int.J Electrochem. Sci.,2019, 14, 1817-1829.

  6. JinWang*,Xianghu Yu, Cui Wang, Kechuang Xiang, Mengde Deng, Huabing Yin.PAMPS/MMT composite hydrogel electrolyte for solid-statesupercapacitors [J]. Journalof Alloys & Compounds,2017, 709, 596-601.

  7. JinWang*,Chenchen Guo, Yongqiang Yu, Huabing Yin, Xueting Liu and Yang Jiang.Self-doped 3-hexylthiophene-b-sodium styrene sulfonate blockcopolymer: synthesis and its organization with CdSe quantum dots.RSCAdvances,2015, 5, 17905-17914.

  8. JinWang*,Zongchao Wu, Kunhong Hu, Xiangying Chen, Huabing Yin. Highconductivity graphene-like MoS2/polyanilinenanocomposites and its application in supercapacitor. Journalof Alloys and Compounds,2015,619:38-43.

  9. JinWang*,Zongchao Wu, Huabing Yin, Wei Li, Yang Jiang.Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) /MoS2nanocomposites with enhanced electrochemical capacitanceperformance. RSCAdvances,2014, 4, 56926-56932.

  10. JinWang*,Xiao Xia Luo, Da Lian Kang, Zheng Fa Zhou, Wei Bing Xu, Yang Jiang.Self-Organized CdSe Quantum Dots onto the Low Bandgap3-Hexylthiophene/Pyridine Copolymers [J]. Journalof Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2013, 13, 523-528.
